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MPT error

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run a CESM simulation. I have no problem to compile the model or even to run it. But a few minutes
after submitting the job, I receive this message in my mailbox:
PBS Job Id: 6529369.chadmin1Job Name: fcsd_test_001.st_archiveAborted by PBS ServerJob deleted as result of dependency on job 6529367.chadmin1
The log file gives me : MPT error: invalid option -p.
I found a link on CISL website (
/using-mpt-cheyenne-share-queue) saying that
'Running an MPI job with MPT in the Cheyenne "share" queue requires a different environment
variable and a different launch command than what is used for other queues.'

So I created a customized batch script as explained in the website but :- I don’t know if this is really how to solve my problem- I am not sure on how to use this script. Do I install it in my case directory and submit it with qsub before
running the model or do I have to do it in a previous step?
Thank you for your help,
Thank you for your answer. But the problem is that I have 'permission denied' on everything I am trying to do. Permission denied when I try the git command and also permission denied when I try to modify and save env_mach_specific.xml. Is it normal and how can I change that?


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Do you have your own copy of the source code or are you trying to change something which is not under your control?  