New Member
Hi,I'm running an aqua-planet compset with the cam-se dycore on the ne16 grid on yellowstone. I have tried running on three versions of cesm, a developmental version (cam5_4_39), cesm1_2_1 and cesm1_2_2. However, when I run in cesm1_2_2, the cesm.log says NetCDF: variable not found for many of the input datasets (e.g.,/glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/ and the run crashes. The ne30 configuration of the same cesm version does not result in these errors. The cesm1_2_1 and cam5_4_39 runs does not result in these errors at any of the resolutions. Has anyone else come accross this type of error in cesm1_2_2?the cesm1_2_2 log of a ne16 run with the netCDF errors can be viewed at:/glade/scratch/aherring/cesm1_2_2_ne16_CAM5_AQUAr3n1v4nochem/run/cesm.log.160831-135249the cesm1_2_2 log for a ne30 run that does NOT result in netCDF errors:/glade/scratch/aherring/cesm1_2_2_ne30_CAM5_AQUAr3n2v4aero/run/cesm.log.160902-142238The log for cam5_4_39 ne16 run that does NOT result in netCDF errors:/glade/scratch/aherring/cam5_4_39_ne16_CAM5_AQUAr3n1v4nochem/run/cesm.log.160828-133223 Any help would be greatly appreciated!Adam Herrington