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no atmospheric snow (mm/s) but still snowcover, why?

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New Member
I am running CLM in single-point mode. In this setup with C3 grass.
When setting precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t and precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_t to 0ᵒC and -2ᵒC, respectively, the simulated snow cover (FSNO) is considerable predominant compared to what we observe at the site. To study the dynamics when there is no snowfall (SNOW), I lowered precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t and precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_t to -20ᵒC and -22ᵒC. I was surprised to observe that CLM correctly did not simulated snowfall (mm/s), however still simulate snow cover (FSNO) despite no snowfall over a six years period. Can somebody explain me how this can be, and if I can avoid snowcover?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
That is odd. Is your simulation initialized with a lot of snow by chance?


New Member
There is snow in the beginning of the period, but as can be seen at the figures, the snowcover is not continuous through out the simulation period. The only difference between the two model runs shown in the figures are the change of precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t and precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_t as described above.

I suppose that the LAI=0 is because of the snowcover, and this LAI=0 was what I wanted to avoid. Any idea?
Figure 1: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=0 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-2 ᵒC

Figure 2: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=-20 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-22 ᵒC


New Member
Here I plotted H2OSNO.

In another test (figure 5) I also tried to set h2osno_max = 0.01. This resulted in H2OSNO>0.01 mm. I find it very odd.

Figure 3: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=0 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-2 ᵒC

Figure 4: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=-20 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-22 ᵒC

Figure 4: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=0 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-2 ᵒC, h2osno_max=0.01


New Member
Is there a way where I can avoid that freezing surface water are being incorporated into the snowpack?
Figure 5: precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t=-20 ᵒC, precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_ t=-22 ᵒC


New Member
One way might be to set the microtopography parameter to zero. That should reduce the storage capacity for surface water to zero, and it should go to runoff. In src/main/initVerticalMod.F90, you could set col%micro_sigma(c) to zero and see if that eliminates the surface water.
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