Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I searched all the possible directory for the no LU file
Describe your problem or question:
I have used no land use file in my previous run from the following directory: /glade/p/cesm/sdwg_dev/thesis/data/cesm_tools/surfacedata/clm5data/clm5_0.9x1.25_SSPNOLULCC1850_1850-2100/landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25_hist_78pfts_SSPNOLULCC1850_simyr1850-2100_c200409.nc
I need to run the model again but could not locate the file. Looks like diretory has been changed. I searched for possible directories but did not find anything.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I searched all the possible directory for the no LU file
Describe your problem or question:
I have used no land use file in my previous run from the following directory: /glade/p/cesm/sdwg_dev/thesis/data/cesm_tools/surfacedata/clm5data/clm5_0.9x1.25_SSPNOLULCC1850_1850-2100/landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25_hist_78pfts_SSPNOLULCC1850_simyr1850-2100_c200409.nc
I need to run the model again but could not locate the file. Looks like diretory has been changed. I searched for possible directories but did not find anything.