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no mask variable in input file

Hi,I'm running a data ocean model using F compset with the resolution of f09_g16. The SST input file download directly is named, and the domain file is Now I want to add some variables into the input file, and need the land mask to mask out the data on land. However, when I inquire the domain file:, no "mask" variable exist. Could you please tell me how I can generate or find the corresponding mask varible. Thanks!


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
CAM history contains a vraible called LANDFRAC.        float LANDFRAC(time, lat, lon) ;                LANDFRAC:units = "fraction" ;                LANDFRAC:long_name = "Fraction of sfc area covered by land" ;                LANDFRAC:cell_methods = "time: mean" ; Maybe you could use this 
Hannay, Thank you very much. But the input file has the different resolution with the CAM model. So I can not use the landmask variables in CAM history files. This is why I feel confused. The resolution I choose is f09_g16, so the CAM resolution is 0.9x1.25 and the Ocean is g1v6 resolution. But the input files directly downloaded from data servor has the resolution of 1x1 degree, they have neither the same resolution with CAM nor with the dOcean. Why? And can I manually create input files with the same resolution of CAM, and use them as the input files? If I can use the input files with the same resolution as CAM, then I can use the LANDFRAC in CAM history as the land mask.Xue 


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Usually we would run the F cases at the resolution: f09_f09_mg17. This is the standard resolution for the F cases. All the components are on the atmospheric grid. 