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non-lat/long simulation

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New Member

I would like to run off-line CLM with own atmospheric forcing over some headwater basins in Colorado (to get water balance and energy balance simulation for 8 years, use I4804 compset). A issue is that our forcing is given at non-lat/long grids and we do not want to interpolate it to lat/long.

So I thought it would be possible to use a point simulation option (but We have over hundred grid points). We can take model input data (surface data) from global dataset.

Given this situation, I thought PTCLM option might work (
but was not sure if this is the best option (or even this actually works or not). I am not sure how people maneuver this seemingly common simulations.

It would be appreciated if anyone could give me any suggestions.



Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This is now much easier with the CESM1.1 release, which was released on Tuesday: A big caveat is that this release has not been scientifically validated, and is meant as a release for further model development -- see the note at the top of the web page. This unstructured grid capability also has only seen limited use so far, so you should apply a very critical eye to the results.

The process for running with a new grid in CESM1.1 is documented in the section "EXPERTS: How do I add a new user-defined grid" in the CESM1.1 user's guide ( This process works just as well for an unstructured (non-lat/lon) grid as it does for a lat/lon grid. But note that you will first need to create a SCRIP grid file describing your grid. In your case, it sounds like you want to run CLM and datm on the same grid -- so you are NOT using trigrid.

Depending on how you are viewing / processing your output, you may want to regrid your output to a regular lat/lon grid. This can be done with the tool in $CCSMROOT/models/lnd/clm/tools/mkprocdata_map. See the README file in that directory for instructions.

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