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Northward & Eastward Near Surface Wind Speed variables


New Member
Dear CESM-forum-team,

I’m working with output from the CCSM4 LGM experiment for my thesis. I am having trouble finding Northward & Eastward Near Surface Wind Speed variables for CCSM LGM runs (and Pre-industrial control runs), but can see that other CMIP5/PMIP3 models include these 2 variables. I was told that these variables should exist, I’m wondering if you could help me find where to access them. I do have a Yellowstone account, and could pull them off of NCAR if that is a possibility.

Thank you,

Lauren Vargo
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
The University of New Mexico


Staff member
 These fields (“uas” and “vas”, 2 meter wind components, analogous to 2-meter temperature, TREFHT) were not provided by any CCSM4/CESM1 run to CMIP5 because the coupler doesn’t save them. UBOT and VBOT from CAM are somewhat close, but at ~60m elevation. 


Staff member
 These fields (“uas” and “vas”, 2 meter wind components, analogous to 2-meter temperature, TREFHT) were not provided by any CCSM4/CESM1 run to CMIP5 because the coupler doesn’t save them. UBOT and VBOT from CAM are somewhat close, but at ~60m elevation. 


New Member
Gary, UBOT and VBOT would be great, I'm just looking for any near surface wind speeds. I ultimately need monthly averages, do you know where I can download these variables? Thank you, Lauren lvargo(at)


New Member
Gary, UBOT and VBOT would be great, I'm just looking for any near surface wind speeds. I ultimately need monthly averages, do you know where I can download these variables? Thank you, Lauren lvargo(at)


Staff member
You can download these fields from the NCAR ESG portal, at http://www.earthsystemgrid.orgThe case names you want are "b40.1850.track1.1deg.006" (pre-industrial control) and "b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003" (LGM). You'll have to download U and V and extract out the bottom-most level. 


Staff member
You can download these fields from the NCAR ESG portal, at http://www.earthsystemgrid.orgThe case names you want are "b40.1850.track1.1deg.006" (pre-industrial control) and "b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003" (LGM). You'll have to download U and V and extract out the bottom-most level. 