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Numeric conversion not representable

I am getting the following error message when CAM writes out the history file:

H_DEFINE: Successfully opened netcdf file
Numeric conversion not representable

Here is a portion of my namelist:

caseid = '${CASEID}'
ctitle = '${CASEID}: 11 year cam dom 4 bin pdf'
absems_data = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/rad/'
aeroptics = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/rad/'
bndtvaer = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/rad/'
bndtvdms = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/scyc/'
bndtvghg = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/ggas/'
bndtvo = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/ozone/'
bndtvoxid = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/scyc/'
bndtvs = '/ptmp/scapps/cam3_1_inputdata/atm/cam2/sst/'
sstcyc = .FALSE.
bndtvscon = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/rad/'
bndtvsox = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/scyc/'
bndtvvolc = '${CSMDATA}/atm/cam2/rad/'
iyear_ad = 1950
ncdata = '/ptmp/scapps/inputdata_cam/'
nestep = -32
start_ymd = 19990101
stop_ymd = 20000201
dtime = 1200
nsrest = ${FLG_RST}
nhtfrq(1) = 4
archive_dir = '/ptmp/${USER}/${CASEID}'
rest_pfile = '${HOME}/rst/cam2.${CASEID}.rpointer'
finidat = '/ptmp/scapps/inputdata_cam/'
fpftcon = '${CSMDATA}/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
fsurdat = '${CSMDATA}/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/'
rpntpath = '${HOME}/rst/lnd.${CASEID}.rpointer'
frivinp_rtm = '/datashare/inputdata/clm/rtmdata/rdirc.05'
rtm_nsteps = 9

Any suggestions?


CSEG and Liaisons
This is an error issued by the netCDF library. CAM's default is to output 4-byte real values (can be changed via the ndens namelist variable) and the code must be generating results that can't be represented by 4-byte reals.