New Member
I have a problem with the O3 output in an IPCC scenario run with CCSM. I read time-varying O3 data from the file B1.ozone.128x64_L18_1991-2100_c040521.nc and set ozncyc=.false. in the atm namelist. The logfile tells that the file is opened and a new value is read once a month. The ozone data in the input file varies seasonally and there is a long-term trend. However, the O3 output from CCSM only shows the annual cycle but no trend with time (see fig).
I redid the same type of experiment with CAM stand-alone and now I get the variation of O3 in time. Why does O3 vary in CAM standalone but not in CCSM, given the same inputfile? Where is the difference between CAM and CCSM when it comes to ozone? Is it possible that the ozone data within CCSM are correct (at least the logfile tells that new data are read in every month) and it's only the output that's wrong? Anybody knows?
Note that CCSM can save both O3 and O3VMR, both show the same problem. CAM only saves O3VMR.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Explanation to attached figure:
Global average of vertical average O3 mixing ratio for pressure below and above 300 hPa. Input (blue) denotes data from B1.ozone.128x64_L18_1991-2100_c040521.nc and output (red) is from the CCSM run. The 2 datasets have a bias because of different vertical resolution and the crude method of averaging. Despite of this, the output data obviously show no long-term trend which is puzzling
I redid the same type of experiment with CAM stand-alone and now I get the variation of O3 in time. Why does O3 vary in CAM standalone but not in CCSM, given the same inputfile? Where is the difference between CAM and CCSM when it comes to ozone? Is it possible that the ozone data within CCSM are correct (at least the logfile tells that new data are read in every month) and it's only the output that's wrong? Anybody knows?
Note that CCSM can save both O3 and O3VMR, both show the same problem. CAM only saves O3VMR.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Explanation to attached figure:
Global average of vertical average O3 mixing ratio for pressure below and above 300 hPa. Input (blue) denotes data from B1.ozone.128x64_L18_1991-2100_c040521.nc and output (red) is from the CCSM run. The 2 datasets have a bias because of different vertical resolution and the crude method of averaging. Despite of this, the output data obviously show no long-term trend which is puzzling