New Member
I am trying to create an ocean grid similar to the gx1v3 one, using mk_grid.csh. As far as I know, the parameter values that were used to create the gx1v3 grid are unknown (dyeq, dsig, jcon and coordinates of the grid poles). Are there any tools to visualize the data inside the binary grid file? The main problem I am facing is developing tools to compare my grid with the default one. If I could do that, then I could play with the parameter values in mk_grid.csh until I got a good match with the default grid.I thought of using the default grid gx1v3 instead of a customized one. But I am not sure it fits my experiment. In my topography/bathymetry there is still ocean south of 80 degrees South. In the setup tools guide I read that "the grid poles must be placed 1-2 land cells from the edge of the continent". Does this condition somehow say that at the bottom edge of the grid (for j=0 and j=1) one must have land cells? that one can't have ocean in there?Lg,Amanda