I outputted three variables to check plant absorption of inorganic N, "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NH4", "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NO3" and "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN". I guess the "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN" is the summary of the former two variables, right? But when I calculate the summation of "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NH4", "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NO3" above the "levdcmp" level, it looks like the result is much bigger than the "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN". Any hints on this problem, or which variable I should use? Or does the soil layer matters?
Thank you
I outputted three variables to check plant absorption of inorganic N, "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NH4", "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NO3" and "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN". I guess the "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN" is the summary of the former two variables, right? But when I calculate the summation of "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NH4", "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN_NO3" above the "levdcmp" level, it looks like the result is much bigger than the "SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN". Any hints on this problem, or which variable I should use? Or does the soil layer matters?
Thank you