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Overview of existing bugs, and procedure for patching existing releases with bugfixes?

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Jan Ivar Korsbakken
New Member
My apologies if there is a page somewhere addressing the following, but if so I cannot find it:Does either of the following exist?:
  1. A list of *all* known bugs and issues in the latest official CESM / CLM release (the "release-tags" version of CESM 1.2.2 and CLM 4.5.10 that's available to external users in the SVN repository)? I.e., anything I might need to fix after downloading the official release through SVN, not just known bugs at the time of release and/or bugs still present in the latest development version.
  2. A procedure for how to patch the official release to address all issues for which a fix exists? Other than reading the details of all bug reports and fixing them manually, or waiting for the next official release?
The issue is that reports of bugs and other issues seem to be spread many different places, including several different places in these fora, as well as many, many more in Bugzilla. Also, for the bugs "fixed" or otherwise resolved, it's not clear whether that means that anything has been fixed in the official releases that I can download through SVN, or whether I have to track down all bug reports with a datestamp later than the release date and change the source code myself. I don't mean to criticize, and I understand how challenging it is to manage communications in a big software effort like this one. But it really would be helpful with a page that states exactly how/whether bugs are fixed for external users who don't have access to interim development versions.
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