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pass clm variable to cam

Dear Sam,

I want to pass surface wetness from clm to cam for use within cam. Could you please give me some general ideas or hints for how to do it? I appreciate your time very much!

Now I found SNOWHLND(SNOWHLAND) in CAM side and H2OSNO in CLM side are the same thing, but I am not sure how these two interactive each other? Could someone give me an example which is passed to CAM from CLM and used within CAM? Apologize if I bothered you that much:)


You will need to look at the code for an example. There are many variables that are passed between clm and cam. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with that part of the code to write a quick response. Anyone else out there who's willing to help Joyce with this?

Dear Sam,

I like this vBulletin very much! You always tried to help other people who have lots of questions. BTW, I had getten some clues by following an example as you recommend.


New Member
Dear Joice,
> I am trying to pass variable from CLM to CAM and according to CDG forum looks like you had similar problem a couple of years ago. I was wondering if you could give me some example or hint on how to do this. In which files should I make changes? I appreciate your time.
> thanks