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patch vs column level 365 day running precip

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Hi, I want to calculate and use 365 day running total precip. I can see in atm2lndType.F90 that this is already getting recorded at the column level (for a fire module it seems). If I'm needing this information for calculations for each PFT, do I need a new variable to record precip at the patch level? Or since all PFT's in a grid cell would experience the same rainfall would I just somehow assign the column value already being recorded in the above variable to all patches?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It looks like PREC365 (column level) is only used for cndv, which is deprecated. It seems like you could change this to patch-level, following the example of one of the other accumulated precip variables (PREC10, PREC60, etc.), which are patch-level.


Thanks Keith, I was thinking of something like that. Is there any benefit to storing/calculating precip at the grid cell level? Or is it only correct to do this at the patch level? (or not much difference either way?)


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
One thing to be aware of is that the grid-scale precipitation coming from the atmosphere is downscaled to the column-level (see clm/src/main/atm2lndMod.F90). The column-level precipitation is what is used in most of the code (e.g., clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyHydrologyMod.F90).
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