I am using CAM3.5.32 on bluefire and a cluster on LBL (Berkeley)
and following the procedure at:
Here is my configure:
/blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/configure -cam_bld /blhome/drosa/tmp -cam_exedir /blhome/drosa/run -dyn fv -nosmp -nospmd -nc_inc /usr/local/netcdf/include -nc_lib /usr/local/netcdf/lib -v -pergro
Setting CAM configuration script directory to /blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld
Using configuration defaults file config_defaults_fv.xml
Setting CAM root directory to /blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy
Setting CAM build directory to /blhome/drosa/tmp
The CAM executable will be created in /blhome/drosa/run
Setting user source directories to
The configuration cache file will be created in /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml
Using fv dynamics.
Using cam1 physics.
Using clm2 land package.
Using dom ocean package.
Using csim4 ice package.
Generating and writing SOM input fields to history tapes: OFF.
Perturbation growth testing: ON.
Configure CAM for single column mode: OFF.
Configure CAM to produce IOP file for SCAM: OFF.
Horizontal grid specifier: 1.9x2.5.
Maximum number of columns in a chunk: 16.
Number of vertical levels: 26.
Total advected constituents: 3.
Target OS: aix.
Name of CAM executable: cam.
Compiler debugging options: OFF.
SPMD parallelism: OFF
SMP parallelism: OFF
Found netCDF include file in /usr/local/netcdf/include
Found netCDF library in /usr/local/netcdf/lib
Found netCDF module files in /usr/local/netcdf/lib
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/Filepath
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/misc.h
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/preproc.h
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/Makefile
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml
configure done.
Here is my build-namelist:
/blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /blhome/drosa/run -case ucar.20090424124902.ypert -config /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /blhome/drosa/data -namelist &camexp start_type='startup' stop_option='ndays' stop_n=2 nhtfrq=1 ndens=1 mfilt=145 empty_htapes=.true. fincl1='T:I','PS:I' aqua_planet=.true. pertlim=1.e-14 /
Writing CAM namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/atm_in
Writing CLM namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/lnd_in
Writing driver namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/drv_in
Writing ocean component namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/ocn_in
Writing sea ice component namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/ice_in
I ran a test for 2 machines with -pergro yes or no in configure (labeled "..cont" or "test") and with the perturbation on or off when -pergro was used (labeled "ypcont" or "npcont"). Plus, i switched on and off the aqua-planet model (labeled "aq" or "noaq").
You need the utility cprnc under ./models/atm/cam/tools/cprnc to check the RMS temperature differences
(compiled with USER_FFLAGS=-free) and cprncdf (downloadable from http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu/models/atm-cam/port/pergro-test.html ).
(continue on next post)
and following the procedure at:
Here is my configure:
/blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/configure -cam_bld /blhome/drosa/tmp -cam_exedir /blhome/drosa/run -dyn fv -nosmp -nospmd -nc_inc /usr/local/netcdf/include -nc_lib /usr/local/netcdf/lib -v -pergro
Setting CAM configuration script directory to /blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld
Using configuration defaults file config_defaults_fv.xml
Setting CAM root directory to /blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy
Setting CAM build directory to /blhome/drosa/tmp
The CAM executable will be created in /blhome/drosa/run
Setting user source directories to
The configuration cache file will be created in /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml
Using fv dynamics.
Using cam1 physics.
Using clm2 land package.
Using dom ocean package.
Using csim4 ice package.
Generating and writing SOM input fields to history tapes: OFF.
Perturbation growth testing: ON.
Configure CAM for single column mode: OFF.
Configure CAM to produce IOP file for SCAM: OFF.
Horizontal grid specifier: 1.9x2.5.
Maximum number of columns in a chunk: 16.
Number of vertical levels: 26.
Total advected constituents: 3.
Target OS: aix.
Name of CAM executable: cam.
Compiler debugging options: OFF.
SPMD parallelism: OFF
SMP parallelism: OFF
Found netCDF include file in /usr/local/netcdf/include
Found netCDF library in /usr/local/netcdf/lib
Found netCDF module files in /usr/local/netcdf/lib
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/Filepath
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/misc.h
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/preproc.h
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/Makefile
creating /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml
configure done.
Here is my build-namelist:
/blhome/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /blhome/drosa/run -case ucar.20090424124902.ypert -config /blhome/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /blhome/drosa/data -namelist &camexp start_type='startup' stop_option='ndays' stop_n=2 nhtfrq=1 ndens=1 mfilt=145 empty_htapes=.true. fincl1='T:I','PS:I' aqua_planet=.true. pertlim=1.e-14 /
Writing CAM namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/atm_in
Writing CLM namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/lnd_in
Writing driver namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/drv_in
Writing ocean component namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/ocn_in
Writing sea ice component namelist to /blhome/drosa/run/ice_in
I ran a test for 2 machines with -pergro yes or no in configure (labeled "..cont" or "test") and with the perturbation on or off when -pergro was used (labeled "ypcont" or "npcont"). Plus, i switched on and off the aqua-planet model (labeled "aq" or "noaq").
You need the utility cprnc under ./models/atm/cam/tools/cprnc to check the RMS temperature differences
(compiled with USER_FFLAGS=-free) and cprncdf (downloadable from http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu/models/atm-cam/port/pergro-test.html ).
(continue on next post)