I am trying to run ctsm5.1.dev108 for a single point. The PTCLM tool to create the surface dataset and other point datasets have been replaced by the subset_data tool. I am following "Tutorial 2a: Running a generic single-point case" to set up a single-point simulation.
A PIO error is generated in the tutorial Running a generic single-point case while setting up the case.
However, all the relevant modules are loaded.
A PIO error is generated in the tutorial Running a generic single-point case while setting up the case.
jyotis@cheyenne1:/glade/work/jyotis/my_subset_data/harvard_singlept> ./case.setup
ERROR: module command /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/lmod/7.5.3/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod python load ncarenv/1.3 python/3.7.9 cmake intel/19.1.1 esmf_libs mkl ncarcompilers/0.5.0 pio/2.5.6 failed with message:
Lmod has detected the following error: These module(s) exist but cannot be loaded as requested: "pio/2.5.6"
Try: "module spider pio/2.5.6" to see how to load the module(s).
However, all the relevant modules are loaded.
jyotis@cheyenne1:/glade/work/jyotis/ctsm5.1.dev108_afoster> module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/1.3 3) ncarcompilers/0.5.0 5) python/3.7.9 7) esmf_libs/8.2.0 9) impi/2019.7.217 11) pnetcdf/1.12.2
2) intel/19.1.1 4) git/2.33.1 6) cmake/3.18.2 8) mkl/2020.0.1 10) netcdf-mpi/4.8.1 12) pio/2.5.6