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Plan for Neptune parameterization (Holloway, 1992)


Yan Wang
New Member
Hello there,

I am wondering whether MOM6 will be implemented with Greg Holloway's (1992) Neptune parameterization (Representing Topographic Stress for Large-Scale Ocean Models), which drives a flow toward a maximum-entropy or a minimum-enstrophy state of geostrophic turbulence, prescribed previously using a barotropic geostrophic streamfunction and realized thru some Laplacian or biharmonic restoring forcing? I only saw this sort of parameterization in MOM5, via a 2012 version of documentation Steve Griffies drafted, as well as in the current version of NEMO documentation, but haven't seen it in MOM6.

For your reference, the latest test of a Neptune parameterization in a global model configuration that I am aware of was contributed by Maltrud and Holloway (2008): Redirecting.
