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Plug-in CLM-3.5 codes in SNU AGCM

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Take my greetings from Saudi Arabia. I am trying to plug-in CLM-3.5 to SNU AGCM. As matter of interest, the all source codes of CLM-3.5 and SNU AGCM are compiled together. Forcing variables are also transferred successfully from AGCM to CLM-3.5.
Now I need the CLM-3.5 output variables to be transferred to the AGCM (surface fluxes and stresses. e.g., TAU, TAV, FSH). Please let me know how to do these.

Ashfaqur Rahman
Ph.D student
Dept. of Meteorology
King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia


Staff member
Since AGCM variables pass successfully to the CLM already, I suggest that you use a similar approach to pass CLM variables to the AGCM.Sam Levis
Dear Sam, Many thanks for your suggestion. I could get the output variables to our AGCM through modified ncdio.F90 file. Now another issue is regarding solar radiation input from offline qian data at the atmdrvMod.F90 file. In this file the short wave radiation is defined as thirty five percent of total solar incidence (aV_drv_d2a%rAttr(if_sols,n) = 0.7_r8 * (0.5_r8 * x(i,j,8))). Is there any reference for it? Regards
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