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probably a stupid question about datasets


New Member
I'm a high school student who is trying to use CESM 2.2 to conduct a research project. As such I am completely new to utilizing CESM. I've been struggling to find documentation on how to add datasets to my case. I'm using the Jupyter notebook if it helps. Any help is greatly appreciated.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I think that you need to be more explicit about what you are trying to do. Provide all the information needed to repeat your experiment including where things have gone wrong and I think we can get you pointed in the right direction.


New Member
Sorry for not explaining more in my previous post, here’s some more information . I am ultimately trying to figure out whether strategic aerosol injections are capable of reducing runoff whilst increasing surface mass balance and volume of sea ice in the arctic across multiple different representative concentration pathways. I am trying to do this using the Docker version of CESM 2.2, and I’m having trouble figuring out how to import this (CMIP6 Citation 'NOAA-GFDL GFDL-CM4C192 model output prepared for CMIP6 HighResMIP highresSST-future') dataset into CESM so that I can build the case with it. I was wondering if you would be able to provide me with the correct instructions on how to import/use this model, and/or link me to some of the relevant current documentation. I've tried the quickstart guide but it didn’t have quite what I needed. Thank you so much for your quick response!


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You need to use datasets specifically formatted for cesm. Using the NOAA-GFDL dataset directly would be a challenge even for experienced CESM users.
Start your experiments with the default sst dataset for the compset and resolution you are using, once you have successfully run with the defaults we can discuss improvements.


New Member
Thank you for the advice. I've been trying to use the check_input_data tool in order to make sure that I have all of the requisite data but, I haven't been able to get it to run. Is this because I am using Jupyter to build the case, because I'm using it wrong, or for another reason? Sorry for the late response.