New Member
Hi, I have run the waccm successfully, but no the long-term archiving is produced. The RESUBMIT has been changed to 2, and the CONTINUE_RUN and DOUT_L_MS ars set TRUE in the env_run file, the error is showed following. Why does the problem happen still? I am looking forward your repply, thanks! .....perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").(seq_mct_drv): =============== SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION OF CPL7-CCSM ===============Archiving cesm output to /vol6/home/chaochaogao/CESM/cesm1_2_2/cases/archive/case_b1850wCalling the short-term archiving script st_archive.sh st_archive.sh: start of short-term archivingst_archive.sh: restart files from end of run will be saved, interim restart files will be deletedst_archive.sh: short-term archiving completed successfullyLong term archiving ccsm output using the script case_b1850w.l_archiveyhq: Command not found.yhbatch: error: Unable to open file ./case_b1850w.l_archiveccsm_postrun error: problem sourcing templarRESUBMIT is now 0./xmlchange: Command not found../xmlchange: Command not found.yhbatch: error: Unable to open file ./case_b1850w.runccsm_postrun error: problem sourcing tempres/vol6/home/chaochaogao/CESM/cesm1_2_2/cases/case_b1850w/run/Tools/ccsm_getenv: No such file or directory.gzip: timing/ccsm_timing_stats.170307-141931: No such file or directory