Hello! Recently, I wrote a file and changed the "CAM_CONFIG_OPTS" in env_build.xml to "-phys cam5 -age_of_air_trcs
-usr_mech_infile /R1/fkc/cesm1_2_2/scripts/strat/". My COMPSET is FSTRATMAM3. It's built successfully, but when I ran
cesm.exe, an error appeared,
flbc_inti: time out of bounds for dataset =
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping
I've already changed "flbc_list" in cesm1_2_2/models/atm/cam/bld/namelist_files/use_cases/2000_cam5_trop_strat_mam3.xml
to let it match my chemical mechanism. But the problem seems to be related to "flbc_file". Does it mean I have to edit flbc_file too?
Or what else should I do to fix this?
Thank you very much!
-usr_mech_infile /R1/fkc/cesm1_2_2/scripts/strat/". My COMPSET is FSTRATMAM3. It's built successfully, but when I ran
cesm.exe, an error appeared,
flbc_inti: time out of bounds for dataset =
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping
I've already changed "flbc_list" in cesm1_2_2/models/atm/cam/bld/namelist_files/use_cases/2000_cam5_trop_strat_mam3.xml
to let it match my chemical mechanism. But the problem seems to be related to "flbc_file". Does it mean I have to edit flbc_file too?
Or what else should I do to fix this?
Thank you very much!