New Member
Dear all:
I was recently trying to conduct some hybrid simulations using iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires, the configurations of the simulation are shown as below:
Resolution: f19_g16; Compost: B1850C5; Surface data file: surfdata_1.9x2.5_simyr1850_c140303.nc; and the restart files are extracted from previous iCESM1.2 run case.
However, the hybrid run simulations failed several times, and the error from log files is shown here:
I have no idea what caused this error, I would appreciate it much if you could offer any help with that.
Here I have attached some relevant files, in case you can check for more details about the problem. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide. I look forward to your reply.
The ‘6ka_v1.3test_debug.tcsh’ is the set up script of the case; the error messages are contained in the cesm.log file; also attached are config_compilers.xml and config_machines.xml files. The machine we use is “lenovo”, and the compiler is “intel”.
I was recently trying to conduct some hybrid simulations using iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires, the configurations of the simulation are shown as below:
Resolution: f19_g16; Compost: B1850C5; Surface data file: surfdata_1.9x2.5_simyr1850_c140303.nc; and the restart files are extracted from previous iCESM1.2 run case.
However, the hybrid run simulations failed several times, and the error from log files is shown here:
I have no idea what caused this error, I would appreciate it much if you could offer any help with that.
Here I have attached some relevant files, in case you can check for more details about the problem. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide. I look forward to your reply.
The ‘6ka_v1.3test_debug.tcsh’ is the set up script of the case; the error messages are contained in the cesm.log file; also attached are config_compilers.xml and config_machines.xml files. The machine we use is “lenovo”, and the compiler is “intel”.