New Member
I'm trying to run CLM5.0 on a 0.5 degrees grid for the period around 2000
the case is created with options --res hcru_hcru --compset I2000Clm50BgcCrop --run-unsupported
I succesfully generated the surfdata map data with the command ./ -res 360x720cru -years 2000
The initialization of the model starts fine but then it stops with the following output >>>
Opening file for output;
Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years
Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
Creating variable level
Creating variable lithoz
Creating variable staglevel
Creating variable stagwbndlevel
Creating variable x0
Creating variable x1
Creating variable y0
Creating variable y1
Creating variable artm
Creating variable smb
Creating variable thk
Creating variable topg
Creating variable usurf
Writing to file at time 0.
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
cesm.exe 000000000163EB21 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 000000000163CC5B Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015D4394 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015D41A6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015546B7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015602B0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s 00007FEB90DCA5D0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 000000000084B94E laketemperaturemo 269 LakeTemperatureMod.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000506C09 clm_driver_mp_clm 634 clm_driver.F90
cesm.exe 00000000004F5A1E lnd_comp_mct_mp_l 456 lnd_comp_mct.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000430A84 component_mod_mp_ 728 component_mod.F90
cesm.exe 00000000004162A2 cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2712 cime_comp_mod.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000430727 MAIN__ 125 cime_driver.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000413F9E Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 0000000000413EA9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
I tried with a cold start, but I'm getting the same outcome
Is this related to some common issue? Could you please help me?
I'm trying to run CLM5.0 on a 0.5 degrees grid for the period around 2000
the case is created with options --res hcru_hcru --compset I2000Clm50BgcCrop --run-unsupported
I succesfully generated the surfdata map data with the command ./ -res 360x720cru -years 2000
The initialization of the model starts fine but then it stops with the following output >>>
Opening file for output;
Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years
Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
Creating variable level
Creating variable lithoz
Creating variable staglevel
Creating variable stagwbndlevel
Creating variable x0
Creating variable x1
Creating variable y0
Creating variable y1
Creating variable artm
Creating variable smb
Creating variable thk
Creating variable topg
Creating variable usurf
Writing to file at time 0.
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
cesm.exe 000000000163EB21 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 000000000163CC5B Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015D4394 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015D41A6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015546B7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 00000000015602B0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s 00007FEB90DCA5D0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 000000000084B94E laketemperaturemo 269 LakeTemperatureMod.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000506C09 clm_driver_mp_clm 634 clm_driver.F90
cesm.exe 00000000004F5A1E lnd_comp_mct_mp_l 456 lnd_comp_mct.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000430A84 component_mod_mp_ 728 component_mod.F90
cesm.exe 00000000004162A2 cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2712 cime_comp_mod.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000430727 MAIN__ 125 cime_driver.F90
cesm.exe 0000000000413F9E Unknown Unknown Unknown
cesm.exe 0000000000413EA9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
I tried with a cold start, but I'm getting the same outcome
Is this related to some common issue? Could you please help me?