New Member
I am trying to do a regional simulation with CLM5.0 at 0.05 degrees spatial resolution with my own precipitation forcing which is 0.1 degrees in resolution. I replaced GSWP3 precipitation with my own customed precipitation forcing (3 hourly). I created a 0.1-degree domain file and replaced the precipitation stream domain file. I have a monthly precipitation file, the time index started from 1-Jan-1979 01:30:00 and ends at 31-Jan-1979 22:30:00 for the 1st precipitation stream file(January 1979). I submitted the model to run for a month with a maximum wall clock time of 12 hr. I am using Cheyenne. I wonder its shows running until 12 hr. and after that job aborted leaving a message that maximum wall clock time exceded. I don't have any clue what's wrong with the simulation. What's wrong with my customed precipitation forcing that it's running for such a long time and simulation cant even complete for a month??
My 0.05-degree regional situation with the deafult forcing worked perfectly. Total computation grid in my domain is 216000.
Any suggestions to diagnose the problem will be really helpful.
Thank you.
My 0.05-degree regional situation with the deafult forcing worked perfectly. Total computation grid in my domain is 216000.
Any suggestions to diagnose the problem will be really helpful.
Thank you.