I am trying to run a regional simulation over Switzerland with ctsm5.3, which I had set up for a previous version of the model. The simulation keeps crashing after a few seconds, and the error logs point towards line 409 in CTSM/src/main/ncdio_pio.F90, which if I understand it correctly indicates a mismatch in dimension of some sort. In order to eliminate the possibility of a problem with my own previously generated (and now updated for version 5.3) surface data file I have re-created a test file over a similar region with:
./subset_data region --lat1 45.5 --lat2 48.5 --lon1 5.5 --lon2 10.5 --reg CH_in --create-surface --surf-year 2000 --create-mesh --create-domain --create-user-mods --inputdata-dir /capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input --outdir /capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases
and then used the generated surface datafile and mesh file.
Do you happen to know what the source for this error could be?
Logs and surfacedate/mesh files are attached, as are machine port related files. Steps I have taken during file creation are below.
What version of the code are you using?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
./create_newcase --case ${CASEDIRPATH}${CASE} --compiler ${COMPILER} --compset ${COMPSET} --res ${RES} --mach eiger --driver nuopc --mpilib mpich --pecount 128 --run-unsupported
./xmlchange COMP_INTERFACE='nuopc'
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange MASK_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange ATM_NX=4
./xmlchange LND_NX=4
./xmlchange ATM_NY=3
./xmlchange LND_NY=3
./xmlchange ATM_NCPL=8
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=$start_date
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=$stop_opt
./xmlchange STOP_N=$stop_n
./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=$yr_start
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=$yr_start
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=$yr_end
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=$time --subgroup case.run
./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=$job_queue --force
I am trying to run a regional simulation over Switzerland with ctsm5.3, which I had set up for a previous version of the model. The simulation keeps crashing after a few seconds, and the error logs point towards line 409 in CTSM/src/main/ncdio_pio.F90, which if I understand it correctly indicates a mismatch in dimension of some sort. In order to eliminate the possibility of a problem with my own previously generated (and now updated for version 5.3) surface data file I have re-created a test file over a similar region with:
./subset_data region --lat1 45.5 --lat2 48.5 --lon1 5.5 --lon2 10.5 --reg CH_in --create-surface --surf-year 2000 --create-mesh --create-domain --create-user-mods --inputdata-dir /capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input --outdir /capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases
and then used the generated surface datafile and mesh file.
Do you happen to know what the source for this error could be?
Logs and surfacedate/mesh files are attached, as are machine port related files. Steps I have taken during file creation are below.
What version of the code are you using?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
./create_newcase --case ${CASEDIRPATH}${CASE} --compiler ${COMPILER} --compset ${COMPSET} --res ${RES} --mach eiger --driver nuopc --mpilib mpich --pecount 128 --run-unsupported
./xmlchange COMP_INTERFACE='nuopc'
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange MASK_MESH='/capstor/scratch/cscs/jmalle/ctsm5_3/input/regional_cases/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_CH_in_c250220_ESMF_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.nc'
./xmlchange ATM_NX=4
./xmlchange LND_NX=4
./xmlchange ATM_NY=3
./xmlchange LND_NY=3
./xmlchange ATM_NCPL=8
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=$start_date
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=$stop_opt
./xmlchange STOP_N=$stop_n
./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=$yr_start
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=$yr_start
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=$yr_end
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=$time --subgroup case.run
./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=$job_queue --force