New Member
Dear CESM Team,
In order to prescribed ozone, aerosol, and oxid in 1850 but time-variant in other parameters in the cam.buildnml.csh I write the following :
tracer_cnst_datapath = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/oxid'
tracer_cnst_file = ''
tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL'
tracer_cnst_ymd = 18500101
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/ozone'
prescribed_ozone_file = ''
prescribed_ozone_name = 'O3'
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_ymd = 18500101
scenario_ghg = 'RAMPED'
bndtvghg = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/ggas/'
sstcyc = .false.
bndtvs = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/sst/'
fsurdat = '$CSMDATA/lnd/clm2/surfdata/'
fpftdyn = '$CSMDATA/lnd/clm2/surfdata/'
ncdata = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/inic/fv/'
start_ymd = 19000101
start_tod = 0
stop_option = 'nyears'
stop_n = 2
stop_ymd = 19010101
stop_tod = 0
stream_year_first = 1900
stream_year_last = 1901
But the experiment fails with the following error:
/data/teacher/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/oxid/oxid 15
open_trc_datafile: cycle year not found : 1850
When I change tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL' to 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' the experiment fails with the error: cycle year not found 1899
Can anyone tell me how to change the namelist?
Thanks a lot!
In order to prescribed ozone, aerosol, and oxid in 1850 but time-variant in other parameters in the cam.buildnml.csh I write the following :
tracer_cnst_datapath = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/oxid'
tracer_cnst_file = ''
tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL'
tracer_cnst_ymd = 18500101
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/ozone'
prescribed_ozone_file = ''
prescribed_ozone_name = 'O3'
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_ymd = 18500101
scenario_ghg = 'RAMPED'
bndtvghg = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/ggas/'
sstcyc = .false.
bndtvs = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/sst/'
fsurdat = '$CSMDATA/lnd/clm2/surfdata/'
fpftdyn = '$CSMDATA/lnd/clm2/surfdata/'
ncdata = '$CSMDATA/atm/cam/inic/fv/'
start_ymd = 19000101
start_tod = 0
stop_option = 'nyears'
stop_n = 2
stop_ymd = 19010101
stop_tod = 0
stream_year_first = 1900
stream_year_last = 1901
But the experiment fails with the following error:
/data/teacher/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/oxid/oxid 15
open_trc_datafile: cycle year not found : 1850
When I change tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL' to 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' the experiment fails with the error: cycle year not found 1899
Can anyone tell me how to change the namelist?
Thanks a lot!