Recently I was trying to run a simulation on a fresh Docker image (command was
I was looking for posts that referenced this error previously, and found one from around last year where it was explained that the FTP server had just lost power. I would assume that is the case for this instance as well, but I'd just like to double check, as I can open an FTP connection into the server, and can reach the cesm directory, but not the inputdata directory. If that is the case, would anyone have an idea of when the server may come back on?
Thank you,
Recently I was trying to run a simulation on a fresh Docker image (command was
create_newcase --case ~/test --compset FWsc2000climo --res f19_f19_mg17 --run-unsupported
, no changes to configuration have been made outside of what comes included in the docker image, results of describe_version are attached), and received the following error:
Model mosart missing file frivinp_rtm = '/home/user/inputdata/rof/mosart/MOSART_routing_Global_0.5x0.5_c170601.nc'
Using protocol wget with user anonymous and passwd user@example.edu
Could not connect to repo '[URL]ftp://cesm-inputdata-lowres1.cgd.ucar.edu/cesm/low-res/[/URL]'
This is most likely either a proxy, or network issue .
Using protocol wget with user anonymous and passwd user@example.edu
Could not connect to repo '[URL]ftp://ftp.cgd.ucar.edu/cesm/inputdata/[/URL]'
This is most likely either a proxy, or network issue .
Using protocol ftp with user anonymous and passwd user@example.edu
server address ftp.cgd.ucar.edu root path cesm/inputdata
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./case.submit", line 126, in <module>
File "./case.submit", line 123, in _main_func
mail_user=mail_user, mail_type=mail_type, batch_args=batch_args, workflow=workflow)
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/case_submit.py", line 205, in submit
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/utils.py", line 1768, in run_and_log_case_status
rv = func()
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/case_submit.py", line 203, in <lambda>
batch_args=batch_args, workflow=workflow)
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/case_submit.py", line 133, in _submit
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/case_submit.py", line 219, in check_case
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/check_input_data.py", line 171, in check_all_input_data
chksum_found = _download_checksum_file(self.get_value("RUNDIR"))
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/case/check_input_data.py", line 35, in _download_checksum_file
server = CIME.Servers.FTP.ftp_login(address, user, passwd)
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/Servers/ftp.py", line 51, in ftp_login
return cls(address, user=user, passwd=passwd, server=ftp)
File "/opt/ncar/cesm2/cime/scripts/Tools/../../scripts/lib/CIME/Servers/ftp.py", line 31, in __init__
stat = self.ftp.cwd(root_address)
File "/srv/conda/envs/default/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 631, in cwd
return self.voidcmd(cmd)
File "/srv/conda/envs/default/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 278, in voidcmd
return self.voidresp()
File "/srv/conda/envs/default/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 251, in voidresp
resp = self.getresp()
File "/srv/conda/envs/default/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 246, in getresp
raise error_perm(resp)
ftplib.error_perm: 550 Failed to change directory.
I was looking for posts that referenced this error previously, and found one from around last year where it was explained that the FTP server had just lost power. I would assume that is the case for this instance as well, but I'd just like to double check, as I can open an FTP connection into the server, and can reach the cesm directory, but not the inputdata directory. If that is the case, would anyone have an idea of when the server may come back on?
Thank you,