Hi, eaton,
Thanks for the reply. Now I realize I even have a problem to run the model with climatological SST forcing. When I thought I was fine to run the model with climatological SST forcing, I only tried that for one day and it was successful. Now I tried to run it for 10 years (since I still did not figure out how to run it with varying SST forcing, I decided to run it with prescribed SST forcing for 10 years to take a first look at how CAM4 performs in simulating precipitation compared with CAM3). But the model was just hanging there without output, error message and the writing of log file.
Here is the endding part of log file and my jobscript file:
180000 19400104
Total Mass= 985.2695568093355 (mb), Dry Mass=
982.8799780309273 (mb)
Total Precipitable Water = 24.36814041748967 (kg/m**2)
PS max = 1047.911115274770 min = 549.6662992235437
U max = 92.26953350202251 min = -68.57900242803366
V max = 59.68747385227867 min = -57.92985126665950
T max = 310.2187808465124 min = 183.6989801679336
W (mb/day) max = 772.7241957332034 min = -902.8095749590150
Average Height (geopotential units) = 1231.199359421252
PRECC max = 35.71931887821241 min = 0.000000000000000
PRECL max = 86.89424617961171 min = 0.000000000000000
Total precp= 2.798526481205589 CON= 1.766949527594800 LS=
nstep, te 180 0.33242659855718966E+10 0.33242686315894747E+10 0.14663320151694743E-03 0.98526957883182680E+05
nstep, te 181 0.33242662625432196E+10 0.33242688392802362E+10 0.14279389336135437E-03 0.98526969940127776E+05
clm2: completed timestep 181
clm2: completed timestep 182
nstep, te 182 0.33242608243161049E+10 0.33242644730018263E+10 0.20219759122376080E-03 0.98526974057447587E+05
nstep, te 183 0.33242566303797498E+10 0.33242602201988907E+10 0.19893538545172934E-03 0.98526985277451909E+05
clm2: completed timestep 183
clm2: completed timestep 184
nstep, te 184 0.33242431319661398E+10 0.33242483982877774E+10 0.29184137234658422E-03 0.98526983432200112E+05
nstep, te 185 0.33242317054321771E+10 0.33242368880665698E+10 0.28720368183573727E-03 0.98526994448362268E+05
clm2: completed timestep 185
clm2: completed timestep 186
nstep, te 186 0.33242096660045004E+10 0.33242165715782337E+10 0.38268306648760604E-03 0.98526983518883324E+05"
"#! /bin/csh -f
# run-pc.csh
# Generic batch submission script for PC-linux using PBS.
# Batch options for machine with PBS batch system. (anchorage)
# Usage for Lahey compiler (default):
# qsub run-pc.csh
# Usage for pgf90 compiler with pgcc:
# env OPT_BLD=pgf90-pgcc qsub run-pc.csh
# Name of the queue (CHANGE THIS if needed)
#PBS -q long
# Maximum number of processes (CHANGE THIS if needed)
#PBS -l nodes=4
# output file base name
#PBS -N run-pc
# Put standard error and standard out in same file
#PBS -j oe
# Export all Environment variables
# End of options
setenv INC_MPI /usr/local/mpi/include
setenv LIB_MPI /usr/local/mpi/lib
set mpirun = /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun
echo "${0}: Set mpirun to $mpirun";
setenv INC_NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf4/include
setenv LIB_NETCDF /usr/local/netcdf4/lib
## set this equal to #nodes X #ppn
set procs = 8
## Do our best to get sufficient stack memory
limit stacksize unlimited
## ROOT OF CAM DISTRIBUTION - probably needs to be customized.
## Contains the source code for the CAM distribution.
## (the root directory contains the subdirectory "models")
set camroot = /home2/meir02/ccsm4
## ROOT OF CAM DATA DISTRIBUTION - needs to be customized unless running at NCAR.
## Contains the initial and boundary data for the CAM distribution.
## (the root directory contains the subdirectories "atm" and "lnd")
setenv CSMDATA /home2/meir02/ccsm4/inputdata
## Default namelist settings:
## $case is the case identifier for this run. It will be placed in the namelist.
## $runtype is the run type: startup, continue, or branch.
## $stop_n is the number of days to integrate (units depends on stop_option)
set case = climatol
## $wrkdir is a working directory where the model will be built and run.
## $blddir is the directory where model will be compiled.
## $rundir is the directory where the model will be run.
## $cfgdir is the directory containing the CAM configuration scripts.
set wrkdir = /home2/meir02/ccsm4/ctl
set blddir = $wrkdir/$case/bld
set rundir = $wrkdir/$case
set cfgdir = $camroot/models/atm/cam/bld
## set data and time for the run
setenv LID "`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`"
## Ensure that run and build directories exist
mkdir -p $rundir || echo "cannot create $rundir" && exit 1
mkdir -p $blddir || echo "cannot create $blddir" && exit 1
## Create the namelist
cd $blddir
cat >! namelistfile