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PTCLM ERROR: ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export

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Hi All,

I keep receiving this error when I try to run PTCLMmkdata. ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export

Background info:

ctsm = ctsm1.0.dev102
Running on Cheyenne
with these modules loaded:
module load ncarenv/1.3
module load intel/17.0.1
module load ncarcompilers/0.5.0
module load nco/4.7.9
module load netcdf/4.7.3
module load ncl/6.6.2 (H)
module load mpt/2.22
module load esmf_libs/7.1.0r (H)

I also have miniconda3. I have tried to run PTCLMmkdata in an environment with python 3 and 2 and received the same errors in either case.

I did make three changes to ./PTCLMmkdata. In lines 372, 567, and 601. I changed the "rb" to "r" in this part of the script AFdatareader=csv.reader(open(site, "r") for site, soil, and pft. I made this change because after I added my site, soil, and pft data to the PTCLMdata_*.txt files using vim I received this error:
ERROR: iterator should return string, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?​

I can build the tools successfully, but I can't seem to run PTCLMmkdata. After I build the tools I start a qinteractive session. Steps below:


qinteractive -X -l walltime=4:00:00


./PTCLMmkdata -s $SITE -d $CSMDATA

---------------- PTCLMmkdata version PTCLM2_20200118-----------------------------

./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata


Site name: US-Rwe

Root CTSM directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew
Root CIME directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime
** Surface data file will be built using site-level data when available unless otherwise specified **

Extract PFT data from gridded files: False
Extract soil data from gridded files: False

Open Site data file: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/PTCLMDATA_sitedata.txt

CESM input data directory: /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata

Write /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/README.PTCLM with command line
Run command: /bin/chmod +x /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/shell_commands
Making input files for the point (this may take a while if creating transient datasets)
Creating map file for a point with no ocean
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/ -p 43.0653469,243.2408977 -name 1x1pt_US-Rwe > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mknoocnmap.log
mapfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/
scripgridfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/
Creating data domain
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files/gen_domain -m /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/ -o navy -l 1x1pt_US-Rwe -c 'Running gen_domain from PTCLMmkdata' > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/gen_domain.log
domainfile =

Re-create surface dataset:

Re-create mapping files for surface dataset:
Run command: export REGRID_PROC=1; /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/ --gridfile /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/ --res 1x1pt_US-Rwe --gridtype regional -v > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mkmapdata.log
ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export

I have also tried with qcmd (not while a quinteractive session is active), but that fails even quicker. Steps below:

qcmd -l walltime=4:00:00 -- ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/

Submitting command to PBS using account UBOI0003:

./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/

Requested custom PBS options:
-l walltime=4:00:00

Waiting for job to start ...


/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/jobs/ line 2: 58684 Aborted ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/

Any insight to this error would be greatly appreciated! I've been working with this all week, and after successfully creating a single point dataset I was hoping I had finally set myself to create a PTCLM dataset.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
What shell are you using? I think "export" is for bash. Have you tried "setenv REGRID_PROC=1"


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Ok, sorry, I didn't look closely enough at your output. I'm getting the same errors as you are when I try to replicate your steps, and I've tried various ctsm tags.
I'm wondering if this is related to an issue filed back in Feb. It's not the same error output but it seems to be dying at the same place.
I'll have to check with our software engineer and get back to you.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I haven't heard back yet. But I removed the export command in PTCLMmkdata:

--- a/PTCLMmkdata
+++ b/PTCLMmkdata
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ mapdir = data_dir
if ( options.map_gdate == options.sdate ):
# remembers where it is (although it starts over for a new date)
if plev>0: print( "\n\nRe-create mapping files for surface dataset:" )
- cmd = "export REGRID_PROC=1; "+mkmapdat_dir+"/ --gridfile "+scripgridfile+" --res "+clmres+" --gridtype regional -v > "+mapdir+"/mkmapdata.log";
+ cmd = mkmapdat_dir+"/ --gridfile "+scripgridfile+" --res "+clmres+" --gridtype regional -v > "+mapdir+"/mkmapdata.log";

and then ran:

./PTCLMsublist -l $SITE -d $CSMDATA -o --verbose --account=P93300041 --mach=cheyenne

and it seemed to run fine (so far). I have no idea why it didn't work before or why it does now....


New Member
I haven't heard back yet. But I removed the export command in PTCLMmkdata:

--- a/PTCLMmkdata
+++ b/PTCLMmkdata
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ mapdir = data_dir
if ( options.map_gdate == options.sdate ):
# remembers where it is (although it starts over for a new date)
if plev>0: print( "\n\nRe-create mapping files for surface dataset:" )
- cmd = "export REGRID_PROC=1; "+mkmapdat_dir+"/ --gridfile "+scripgridfile+" --res "+clmres+" --gridtype regional -v > "+mapdir+"/mkmapdata.log";
+ cmd = mkmapdat_dir+"/ --gridfile "+scripgridfile+" --res "+clmres+" --gridtype regional -v > "+mapdir+"/mkmapdata.log";

and then ran:

./PTCLMsublist -l $SITE -d $CSMDATA -o --verbose --account=P93300041 --mach=cheyenne

and it seemed to run fine (so far). I have no idea why it didn't work before or why it does now....
Hi ,
I had the same question and I followed your advice to remove the export command in PTCLMmkdata.But I didn't run fine.I have this problem:
  1 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/
  2 Script to create mapping files required by mksurfdata_map
  3 query command is /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp      -justvalue -options sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata
  5 Using user specified scrip grid file: /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Ha1/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_U
  6 Output grid resolution is 1x1pt_US-Ha1
  7 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 0.5x0.5 -options lmask=AVHRR,glc_nec=1    0 -onlyfiles
  8 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 0.25x0.25 -options lmask=MODIS,glc_nec    =10 -onlyfiles
  9 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 0.5x0.5 -options lmask=MODIS,glc_nec=1    0 -onlyfiles
 10 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=LandScan2004,glc    _nec=10 -onlyfiles
 11 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=MODISv2,glc_nec=    10 -onlyfiles
 12 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=MODIS-wCsp,glc_n    ec=10 -onlyfiles
 13 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=USGS,glc_nec=10     -onlyfiles
 14 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 5x5min -options lmask=nomask,glc_nec=1    0 -onlyfiles
 15 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 5x5min -options lmask=IGBP-GSDP,glc_ne    c=10 -onlyfiles
16 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 5x5min -options lmask=ISRIC-WISE,glc_n    ec=10 -onlyfiles
 17 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 5x5min -options lmask=ORNL-Soil,glc_ne    c=10 -onlyfiles
 18 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 10x10min -options lmask=nomask,glc_nec    =10 -onlyfiles
 19 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 10x10min -options lmask=IGBPmergeICESa    tGIS,glc_nec=10 -onlyfiles
 20 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=GLOBE-Gardner,gl    c_nec=10 -onlyfiles
 21 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 3x3min -options lmask=GLOBE-Gardner-me    rgeGIS,glc_nec=10 -onlyfiles
 22 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 0.9x1.25 -options lmask=GRDC,glc_nec=1    0 -onlyfiles
 23 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 360x720cru -options lmask=cruncep,glc_    nec=10 -onlyfiles
 24 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/../../bld/ -silent -namelist clmexp -justvalue -optio    ns sim_year=2000 -csmdata /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata -var scripgriddata -res 1km-merge-10min -options lmask=HYDRO1K    -merge-nomask,glc_nec=10 -onlyfiles
 25 Hostname = liujunzhi
 26 Machine liujunzhi NOT recognized
 27 Creating mapping file:
 28 From input grid: /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/
 29 For output grid: /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Ha1/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_US-Ha1_nomask_c200714.    nc
 31 /share/apps/esmf-5.2.0-intel/bin/binO/ --ignore_unmapped -s /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/    cesm_datafile/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/ -d /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/too    ls/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Ha1/ -m conserve -w     --dst_regional --src_type SCRIP --dst_type SCRIP
 32 MPI startup(): I_MPI_F77 environment variable is not supported.
 33 MPI startup(): To check the list of supported variables, use the impi_info utility or refer to    tion/get-started.
 34  use default pole: None
 35  Starting weight generation with these inputs:
 36    Source File:
 37  /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingda
 38  ta/grids/
 39    Destination File:
 40  /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/PTCLM/mydatafile
 41  s/1x1pt_US-Ha1/
 42    Weight File:
 43    Source File is in SCRIP format
 44    Source Grid is a global grid
 45    Source Grid is a logically rectangular grid
 46    Destination File is in SCRIP format
 47    Destination Grid is a regional grid
 48    Destination Grid is a logically rectangular grid
 49    Regrid Method: conserve
 50    Pole option: NONE
 51 Error status returned from mkmapdata script
My ESMF version is 5.2.0 . Could you give me some advice?Thinks.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
For the CLM5 release code, it looks like we are using ESMF 7.1.0r on cheyenne.


New Member
For the CLM5 release code, it looks like we are using ESMF 7.1.0r on cheyenne.
I have instaledl the ESMF 7.1.0r,but there is another problem:
 31 /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/src/esmf_7_1_0r_install/bin/bing/Linux.ifort.64.mpiuni.default/ESMF_RegridWeightGen --ignore_unmapped -s /share/    home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/ -d /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzh    i/apps/CESM/components/clm/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Ha1/ -m conserve -w map_0.5x0.5_AVHRR_to_1x1pt_US --dst_regional --src_type SCRIP --dst_type SCRIP
33  WARNING: deprecated switch -src_type will be ignored.  The file type will be de
34  tected automatically
36  WARNING: deprecated switch -dst_type will be ignored.  The file type will be de
37  tected automatically
39  ERROR: Unable to detect the source grid file type.
40 Error status returned from mkmapdata script
My netcdf is netcdf4.4.1. Do you know the reason?
Hi Keith and Albert,

I finally got back around to this.

Thank you Keith for your help. I was able to successfully complete the ./PTCLMmkdata after removing the export command as suggested.

As a note to Albert,

This took a few tries because of the time it takes to create the files. If you look at my original post you will notice the modules I have loaded. I loaded them in that specific order because some modules and libraries are dependent on other modules already being loaded. I also had to switch to a conda environment with python 2 instead of 3.

After updating the PTCLMmkdata as Keith suggested I took the following steps:

Note you may not need to load all of these modules, but load what you need in order.

module load ncarenv/1.3

module load intel/17.0.1

module load ncarcompilers/0.5.0

module load nco/4.7.9

module load netcdf/4.7.3

module load ncl/6.6.2 (H)

module load mpt/2.22

module load esmf_libs/7.1.0r (H)





qinteractive -X -l walltime=4:00:00  ### you may need to set this for longer

conda activate python2                   ### I found having python2 instead of 3 worked




./PTCLMsublist -l $SITE -d $CSMDATA -o --verbose --account=UBOI0003 --mach=cheyenne

## This will provide a command to run along the lines of ./PTCLMmkdata -s $SITE -d $CSMDATA

./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata

I hope that helps. Again, thank you Keith for your help!!!



New Member
Hi Keith and Albert,

I finally got back around to this.

Thank you Keith for your help. I was able to successfully complete the ./PTCLMmkdata after removing the export command as suggested.

As a note to Albert,

This took a few tries because of the time it takes to create the files. If you look at my original post you will notice the modules I have loaded. I loaded them in that specific order because some modules and libraries are dependent on other modules already being loaded. I also had to switch to a conda environment with python 2 instead of 3.

After updating the PTCLMmkdata as Keith suggested I took the following steps:

Note you may not need to load all of these modules, but load what you need in order.

module load ncarenv/1.3

module load intel/17.0.1

module load ncarcompilers/0.5.0

module load nco/4.7.9

module load netcdf/4.7.3

module load ncl/6.6.2 (H)

module load mpt/2.22

module load esmf_libs/7.1.0r (H)





qinteractive -X -l walltime=4:00:00  ### you may need to set this for longer

conda activate python2                   ### I found having python2 instead of 3 worked




./PTCLMsublist -l $SITE -d $CSMDATA -o --verbose --account=UBOI0003 --mach=cheyenne

## This will provide a command to run along the lines of ./PTCLMmkdata -s $SITE -d $CSMDATA

./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata

I hope that helps. Again, thank you Keith for your help!!!

Hi Katie,

Thank you for your kind help. I have solved the problem. From my experience, ESMF5.2.0 is unvailable for clm5. After install ESMF7.1.0r, the erroe:
ERROR: Unable to detect the source grid file type.
is caused by the Compiling of ESMF7_1_0r. I found some clues in PET0.RegridWeightGen.log. When I compiled ESMF , I did not specify the environment variable ESMF_NETCDF. The value of this variable should be "nc-config"or"split"(from ESMF_usrdoc).

Again, thank you for your help.



xiuyi wu
New Member
Thanks for your suggestions.When I set ESMF_NETCDF="nc-config", the problem of “Unable to detect the source grid file type” has successfully been solved out!
Hi Katie,

Thank you for your kind help. I have solved the problem. From my experience, ESMF5.2.0 is unvailable for clm5. After install ESMF7.1.0r, the erroe:
ERROR: Unable to detect the source grid file type.
is caused by the Compiling of ESMF7_1_0r. I found some clues in PET0.RegridWeightGen.log. When I compiled ESMF , I did not specify the environment variable ESMF_NETCDF. The value of this variable should be "nc-config"or"split"(from ESMF_usrdoc).

Again, thank you for your help.

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