New Member
Hi All,
I keep receiving this error when I try to run PTCLMmkdata. ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export
Background info:
ctsm = ctsm1.0.dev102
Running on Cheyenne
with these modules loaded:
module load ncarenv/1.3
module load intel/17.0.1
module load ncarcompilers/0.5.0
module load nco/4.7.9
module load netcdf/4.7.3
module load ncl/6.6.2 (H)
module load mpt/2.22
module load esmf_libs/7.1.0r (H)
I also have miniconda3. I have tried to run PTCLMmkdata in an environment with python 3 and 2 and received the same errors in either case.
I did make three changes to ./PTCLMmkdata. In lines 372, 567, and 601. I changed the "rb" to "r" in this part of the script AFdatareader=csv.reader(open(site, "r") for site, soil, and pft. I made this change because after I added my site, soil, and pft data to the PTCLMdata_*.txt files using vim I received this error:
I can build the tools successfully, but I can't seem to run PTCLMmkdata. After I build the tools I start a qinteractive session. Steps below:
qinteractive -X -l walltime=4:00:00
./PTCLMmkdata -s $SITE -d $CSMDATA
---------------- PTCLMmkdata version PTCLM2_20200118-----------------------------
./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
Site name: US-Rwe
Root CTSM directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew
Root CIME directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime
** Surface data file will be built using site-level data when available unless otherwise specified **
Extract PFT data from gridded files: False
Extract soil data from gridded files: False
Open Site data file: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/PTCLMDATA_sitedata.txt
CESM input data directory: /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
Write /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/README.PTCLM with command line
Run command: /bin/chmod +x /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/shell_commands
Making input files for the point (this may take a while if creating transient datasets)
Creating map file for a point with no ocean
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/mknoocnmap.pl -p 43.0653469,243.2408977 -name 1x1pt_US-Rwe > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mknoocnmap.log
mapfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/map_1x1pt_US-Rwe_noocean_to_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_aave_da_200703.nc
scripgridfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_c200703.nc
Creating data domain
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files/gen_domain -m /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/map_1x1pt_US-Rwe_noocean_to_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_aave_da_200703.nc -o navy -l 1x1pt_US-Rwe -c 'Running gen_domain from PTCLMmkdata' > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/gen_domain.log
domainfile = domain.lnd.1x1pt_US-Rwe_navy.200703.nc
Re-create surface dataset:
Re-create mapping files for surface dataset:
Run command: export REGRID_PROC=1; /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/mkmapdata.sh --gridfile /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_c200703.nc --res 1x1pt_US-Rwe --gridtype regional -v > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mkmapdata.log
ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export
I have also tried with qcmd (not while a quinteractive session is active), but that fails even quicker. Steps below:
qcmd -l walltime=4:00:00 -- ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Submitting command to PBS using account UBOI0003:
./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Requested custom PBS options:
-l walltime=4:00:00
Waiting for job 2969464.chadmin1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu to start ...
/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/jobs/2969464.chadmin1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu.SC: line 2: 58684 Aborted ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Any insight to this error would be greatly appreciated! I've been working with this all week, and after successfully creating a single point dataset I was hoping I had finally set myself to create a PTCLM dataset.
I keep receiving this error when I try to run PTCLMmkdata. ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export
Background info:
ctsm = ctsm1.0.dev102
Running on Cheyenne
with these modules loaded:
module load ncarenv/1.3
module load intel/17.0.1
module load ncarcompilers/0.5.0
module load nco/4.7.9
module load netcdf/4.7.3
module load ncl/6.6.2 (H)
module load mpt/2.22
module load esmf_libs/7.1.0r (H)
I also have miniconda3. I have tried to run PTCLMmkdata in an environment with python 3 and 2 and received the same errors in either case.
I did make three changes to ./PTCLMmkdata. In lines 372, 567, and 601. I changed the "rb" to "r" in this part of the script AFdatareader=csv.reader(open(site, "r") for site, soil, and pft. I made this change because after I added my site, soil, and pft data to the PTCLMdata_*.txt files using vim I received this error:
ERROR: iterator should return string, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?
I can build the tools successfully, but I can't seem to run PTCLMmkdata. After I build the tools I start a qinteractive session. Steps below:
qinteractive -X -l walltime=4:00:00
./PTCLMmkdata -s $SITE -d $CSMDATA
---------------- PTCLMmkdata version PTCLM2_20200118-----------------------------
./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
Site name: US-Rwe
Root CTSM directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew
Root CIME directory: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime
** Surface data file will be built using site-level data when available unless otherwise specified **
Extract PFT data from gridded files: False
Extract soil data from gridded files: False
Open Site data file: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/PTCLM_sitedata/PTCLMDATA_sitedata.txt
CESM input data directory: /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata
Write /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/README.PTCLM with command line
Run command: /bin/chmod +x /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/shell_commands
Making input files for the point (this may take a while if creating transient datasets)
Creating map file for a point with no ocean
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/mknoocnmap.pl -p 43.0653469,243.2408977 -name 1x1pt_US-Rwe > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mknoocnmap.log
mapfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/map_1x1pt_US-Rwe_noocean_to_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_aave_da_200703.nc
scripgridfile = /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_c200703.nc
Creating data domain
Run command: /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/cime/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files/gen_domain -m /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/map_1x1pt_US-Rwe_noocean_to_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_aave_da_200703.nc -o navy -l 1x1pt_US-Rwe -c 'Running gen_domain from PTCLMmkdata' > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/gen_domain.log
domainfile = domain.lnd.1x1pt_US-Rwe_navy.200703.nc
Re-create surface dataset:
Re-create mapping files for surface dataset:
Run command: export REGRID_PROC=1; /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/mkmapdata/mkmapdata.sh --gridfile /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/SCRIPgrid_1x1pt_US-Rwe_nomask_c200703.nc --res 1x1pt_US-Rwe --gridtype regional -v > /glade/work/katiem/git/ctsm_rcew/tools/PTCLM/mydatafiles/1x1pt_US-Rwe/mkmapdata.log
ERROR(./PTCLMmkdata):: Error command does NOT exist: export
I have also tried with qcmd (not while a quinteractive session is active), but that fails even quicker. Steps below:
qcmd -l walltime=4:00:00 -- ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Submitting command to PBS using account UBOI0003:
./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Requested custom PBS options:
-l walltime=4:00:00
Waiting for job 2969464.chadmin1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu to start ...
/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/jobs/2969464.chadmin1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu.SC: line 2: 58684 Aborted ./PTCLMmkdata -s US-Rwe -d /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/
Any insight to this error would be greatly appreciated! I've been working with this all week, and after successfully creating a single point dataset I was hoping I had finally set myself to create a PTCLM dataset.