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QNEG3 and conservation error messages from CAM


New Member
Prior to time-stepping in an all-models-active
CCSM run, I am seeing two different messages from CAM.
Please let me know the exact condition that is causing
these messages.

The first is:

QNEG3 from zm_convr/Q:m= 1 lat/lchnk=385 Min. mixing ratio
violated at 1 points. Reset to 1.0E-12
Worst =-1.5E-04 at i,k= 1 18

The second message is a conservation error.
I am including a third message after it becuaus it
might be related to the second message. They are:

significant conservations error energy after zm_evap
count 1 nstep 12127 chunk 385 col 1
3388721833.59520721 3388434592.44529676
-6698.15547132492065 -293939.305381827115
-293939.3 05381827115 -0.847636944709926363E-04

significant conservations error water after zm_evap
count 2 nstep 12127 chunk 385 col 1
22.3119154713091170 22.2105851189223280
-0.779518629878200642 -0.880848982264989977
-0.880848982264989977 -0.438822257391015789E-02

For both messages, I need to understand where
these problems are occurring (ie, what does "m= 1
lat/lchnk=385" mean, and what does "chunk 385 col 1"