Seems like query_config is no longer giving me what I need. If I do:
cd $CODEROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --compsets
This gives the allactive compsets as expected. However when I type:
./query_config --compsets OCN
This produces an error:
[dbailey@cheyenne2 scripts]> ./query_config --compsets OCN
ERROR: Invalid input argument OCN, valid input arguments are (<CIME.XML.files.Files object at 0x7efc306a1ed0>, ['allactive', 'drv', 'cam', 'cism', 'clm', 'cice', 'pop', 'nemo'])
Then I try:
./query_config --compsets pop
and I get:
query_config: error: argument --compsets: invalid choice: 'pop' (choose from 'all', 'CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP')
cd $CODEROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --compsets
This gives the allactive compsets as expected. However when I type:
./query_config --compsets OCN
This produces an error:
[dbailey@cheyenne2 scripts]> ./query_config --compsets OCN
ERROR: Invalid input argument OCN, valid input arguments are (<CIME.XML.files.Files object at 0x7efc306a1ed0>, ['allactive', 'drv', 'cam', 'cism', 'clm', 'cice', 'pop', 'nemo'])
Then I try:
./query_config --compsets pop
and I get:
query_config: error: argument --compsets: invalid choice: 'pop' (choose from 'all', 'CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP')