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Question about CLM5 results at the patch level and grid-level?

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I am currently working on using CLM5 to conduct simulations in the US Midwest. My goal is to present outcomes at both the patch level and grid-level. And I want to check GPP for maize and soybean, respectively. Below is the "user_nl_clm":

fsurdat = '/glade/u/home/mengqij/B_simulation_region_pv/surface_datasets/'
paramfile = '/glade/u/home/mengqij/B_simulation_region_pv/parameters/'
hist_fincl2 = 'GPP'
hist_fincl3 = 'GPP'
hist_dov2xy = .true., .false., .false.

hist_type1d_pertape = ' ', 'GRID', 'PFTS'
hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24, -24
hist_mfilt = 1, 1825, 1825

However, I was told I do not need to use hist_type1d_pertape = ' ', 'GRID', 'PFTS'. But instead, I just use hist_dov2xy = .true., .false., .false. (i.e., true means that the data are averaged for the entire gridcell, while ‘false’ means the 1D PFT vector). In addition, I noticed hist_type1d_pertape refers to average over all the: Plant-Function-Types, columns, land-units, or grid-cells.

My first question is if I should use "hist_type1d_pertape" when I just want to check GPP for maize and soybean. Second, what is the difference between "hist_type1d_pertape" and "hist_type2d_pertape"? (what do 1d and 2d mean?)

Thanks in advance!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The hist_type2d_pertape is a mistake in the User's Guide. The right one is hist_type1d_pertape. See here for discussion:

hist_dov2xy = .false. does not automatically mean a 1D PFT vector of values. It depends on how hist_type1d_pertape is set. If it is set to 'PFTS' then you will get PFT-level output (however, if you ask for PFT-level output for a variable that is column-level or higher then you'll get some strange behavior in the model and most of the time it will crash). If you set it to blank, then you'll get output for that variable at the finest sub-grid level that the variable is available at. So, for GPP, you'll get it at PFT level, but for a column-level variable like TG, you'll get it at column-level.
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