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Question about model_year_align options in CLM namelist


Hee-Sung Jung
New Member
What version of the code are you using?

CESM 2.1.5

Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?


Describe your problem or question:

Hi everyone,

I have a question about the proper way to configure model_year_align, stream_year_first, and stream_year_last to loop over a certain period in the CLM namelist.
If you have a data stream file that runs from for example 1850 to 2015, and you wish to loop over years 2010-2015 of the stream data, is it correct to set the namelist as

model_year_align = 2010
stream_year_first = 2010
stream_year_last = 2015

like you would for a data model component?

Thank you!