Q1: In the domainMod.F90, what is the difference between the "ldomain%ns" and "ldomain%area"? For "ldomain%ns", it states the global size of the domain; For "ldomain%area", it states the grid cell area. I feel a little bit confused here.
Q2: when I tried to print "ldomain%area" using write(iulog,*)'grc_area_test = ', ldomain%area. That is "1e36". On the other hand, ldomain%ns is "1".
However, I noticed that the area is 11149.6 km2 in the surface data. Thus, I am not sure how come they are different.
I really appreciate any information anyone can provide!!
Q1: In the domainMod.F90, what is the difference between the "ldomain%ns" and "ldomain%area"? For "ldomain%ns", it states the global size of the domain; For "ldomain%area", it states the grid cell area. I feel a little bit confused here.
Q2: when I tried to print "ldomain%area" using write(iulog,*)'grc_area_test = ', ldomain%area. That is "1e36". On the other hand, ldomain%ns is "1".
However, I noticed that the area is 11149.6 km2 in the surface data. Thus, I am not sure how come they are different.
I really appreciate any information anyone can provide!!