Dear all,
Hello, I am running a case with I2000Clm50SpGs compset and f02_g16 resolution on Cheyenne. I successfully created a new domain and surface data file with 0.23*0.31 resolution. After finishing simulation for 20 years, I checked the results and my surface data and I found two problems that I don't quite understand.
I have ran a supported-resolution case before using I2000Clm50Sp compset and f09_g16 resolution, so I compared the air temperature between the f09 case and f02 case. However, I found that in my fine resolution case, there is ocean air temperature value, which is not expected because I am running land model only compset. I think this might be related with land/ocean mask in my domain and surface data, which is decided by the SCRIP file I generated when I was creating the domain and surface data.
For the domain file, I specified IMASK=1 and created For the surface data file, I I specified IMASK=0 and created I did this because if I use other options (for example, IMASK=1 for both domain and surface data), I cannot run the case successfully.
While the land air temperature seem to be very similar between the f09 case and f02 case, I am wondering whether it is right to create domain with mask but surface data without mask and will the unexpected ocean values have any influence on my land model result?

My second question is about the new surface data grid

When I plot my output results, I found that the lat starts from -89.8828 to 89.8828, and the lon starts from 0.15625 to 359.8438 (while in the surface data of 0.9*1.25 resolution which is provided by NCAR, lat starts from -90 to 90 and lon starts from 0 to 358.75). I am not sure why my lat and lon value did not start from 0 or -90. When I created the SCRIP file, I set the variable as: S_LAT=-90.0, N_LAT=90.0, E_LON=360.0, W_LON=0.0, NX=1152, NY=768
I wonder whether different lat and lon starting value will cause any grid mismatch with forcing data and influence my final result?
I know these two questions might seem stupid but I really want to make sure everything is right before I run simulation for longer time. Any opinions or help are appreciated.
Hello, I am running a case with I2000Clm50SpGs compset and f02_g16 resolution on Cheyenne. I successfully created a new domain and surface data file with 0.23*0.31 resolution. After finishing simulation for 20 years, I checked the results and my surface data and I found two problems that I don't quite understand.
I have ran a supported-resolution case before using I2000Clm50Sp compset and f09_g16 resolution, so I compared the air temperature between the f09 case and f02 case. However, I found that in my fine resolution case, there is ocean air temperature value, which is not expected because I am running land model only compset. I think this might be related with land/ocean mask in my domain and surface data, which is decided by the SCRIP file I generated when I was creating the domain and surface data.
For the domain file, I specified IMASK=1 and created For the surface data file, I I specified IMASK=0 and created I did this because if I use other options (for example, IMASK=1 for both domain and surface data), I cannot run the case successfully.
While the land air temperature seem to be very similar between the f09 case and f02 case, I am wondering whether it is right to create domain with mask but surface data without mask and will the unexpected ocean values have any influence on my land model result?

My second question is about the new surface data grid

When I plot my output results, I found that the lat starts from -89.8828 to 89.8828, and the lon starts from 0.15625 to 359.8438 (while in the surface data of 0.9*1.25 resolution which is provided by NCAR, lat starts from -90 to 90 and lon starts from 0 to 358.75). I am not sure why my lat and lon value did not start from 0 or -90. When I created the SCRIP file, I set the variable as: S_LAT=-90.0, N_LAT=90.0, E_LON=360.0, W_LON=0.0, NX=1152, NY=768
I wonder whether different lat and lon starting value will cause any grid mismatch with forcing data and influence my final result?
I know these two questions might seem stupid but I really want to make sure everything is right before I run simulation for longer time. Any opinions or help are appreciated.