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Question on the setting of the emissions in CESM2 Single Forcing experiment


Huiping Yan
New Member
Hi, I plan to do some simulations like BMB in the CESM2 Single Forcing Project where only the biomass burning emission is time evolving, while other forcing are fixed at 1850.

The issue is that the anthropogenic emissions and biomass burning emissions are controlled by the parameter 'ext_frc_type'. If the parameter 'ext_frc_type' is set as 'CYCLE' at the year of 1850, then the biomass burning emission is also fixed in 1850. Therefore, I am wondering how to set these two kinds of emissions as 'CYCLE' and ''INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' respectively, or is there any place we can find the namelist of the CESM2 Single Forcing experiment?

Model version is CESM2.1.3


Staff member
Hi, I plan to do some simulations like BMB in the CESM2 Single Forcing Project where only the biomass burning emission is time evolving, while other forcing are fixed at 1850.

The issue is that the anthropogenic emissions and biomass burning emissions are controlled by the parameter 'ext_frc_type'. If the parameter 'ext_frc_type' is set as 'CYCLE' at the year of 1850, then the biomass burning emission is also fixed in 1850. Therefore, I am wondering how to set these two kinds of emissions as 'CYCLE' and ''INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' respectively, or is there any place we can find the namelist of the CESM2 Single Forcing experiment?

Model version is CESM2.1.3
Attached is the CASEROOT for b.e21.B1850cmip6.f09_g17.CESM2-SF-BMB.001


  • b.e21.B1850cmip6.f09_g17.CESM2-SF-BMB.001.tar.gz
    347.6 KB · Views: 2
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Huiping Yan
New Member
Thanks for sharing! Great appreciation! I looked into the BMB namelist and found that it uses a directory for the 1850-cyclier emissions which was created by repeating the 1850 emission twice with the first year set as 1850 and the second as 2015. Thus the parameter 'ext_frc_type' could be set as 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' . So smart!
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