New Member
Hello, everyone, I have one question about sst data in CAM4
if I change the sst based on the sst file "sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_clim_c050526.nc", there are two variables, one is "sst_cpl", used by the model directly, and one is 'sst_cpl_prediddle', retained data, I want to add some sst difference. Should I just add the sst difference to the variable "sst_cpl" or should I add it to the variable "sst_cpl_prediddle" and recreate the value "sst_cpl"? because I don't have the 'ice_cov' difference and only have sst difference, you know, ice cover is exist when sst is below -1.8 ℃. After recreating the "sst_cpl", I think I should change the 'ice_cov' variable too, but I want to know how to do it, your answer is appreciate.
if I change the sst based on the sst file "sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_clim_c050526.nc", there are two variables, one is "sst_cpl", used by the model directly, and one is 'sst_cpl_prediddle', retained data, I want to add some sst difference. Should I just add the sst difference to the variable "sst_cpl" or should I add it to the variable "sst_cpl_prediddle" and recreate the value "sst_cpl"? because I don't have the 'ice_cov' difference and only have sst difference, you know, ice cover is exist when sst is below -1.8 ℃. After recreating the "sst_cpl", I think I should change the 'ice_cov' variable too, but I want to know how to do it, your answer is appreciate.