New Member
I am a beginner in CESM applications and facing some questions while running CAM-5.1.1 (standalone). I am setting this up for a simulation of the period 1980-2010 with observed, daily SSTs and ice fraction. After succesfully configuring and building the model, I am a bit confused regarding the proper initial conditions I should be using. Since I need time-varying forcing fields, I put 'sim_year=1850-2000' while building the namelist. If I leave 'start_ymd/ic_ymd' for defaults, this setup will take either '' or '' or '' depending on nlev. My questions are;
1) Are the latter two (cami_0000* and cami-mam3*) are climatological forcing files that should only be used for constant forcing, present day simulations? Additionally, why do they have different number of variables (the first two have around 30 and the cami-mam3* has 62)
2) If I want to start my simulation at, say, 1951, which initial condition file should I use?
3) In the default surface forcing file, the variables SST and ice_cov are prediddled so that the model takes correct values after time interpolation. How do I 'prediddle' fields in my observed surface forcing file?
4) With th efollowing build-namelist command, I could run CAM-5.1.1 successfully for a month starting from 1980-01-01:00:00:00 at 0.5 deg. resolution (with the default initial and surface forcings). The output looks reasonable. I just wonder if the changes I did to the defaults are correct.
$cfgdir/build-namelist -dir $rundir -config $blddir/config_cache.xml -case $case -config_cice $blddir/config_cache_cice.xml
-csmdata $inputdata -runtype $runtype -test -namelist "&camexp sim_year='1850-2000' start_ymd=19800101 start_tod=0
stop_option='ndays' stop_n=30 nhtfrq=-6 mfilt=5 hist_nhtfrq=-6 hist_mfilt=5 npr_yz=128,2,2,128 stream_year_first=1850 stream_year_last=2008
fsurdat='$inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata/' /" || echo "build-namelist failed" && exit 1
Any comments or suggestions ?
Thanks and regards,
1) Are the latter two (cami_0000* and cami-mam3*) are climatological forcing files that should only be used for constant forcing, present day simulations? Additionally, why do they have different number of variables (the first two have around 30 and the cami-mam3* has 62)
2) If I want to start my simulation at, say, 1951, which initial condition file should I use?
3) In the default surface forcing file, the variables SST and ice_cov are prediddled so that the model takes correct values after time interpolation. How do I 'prediddle' fields in my observed surface forcing file?
4) With th efollowing build-namelist command, I could run CAM-5.1.1 successfully for a month starting from 1980-01-01:00:00:00 at 0.5 deg. resolution (with the default initial and surface forcings). The output looks reasonable. I just wonder if the changes I did to the defaults are correct.
$cfgdir/build-namelist -dir $rundir -config $blddir/config_cache.xml -case $case -config_cice $blddir/config_cache_cice.xml
-csmdata $inputdata -runtype $runtype -test -namelist "&camexp sim_year='1850-2000' start_ymd=19800101 start_tod=0
stop_option='ndays' stop_n=30 nhtfrq=-6 mfilt=5 hist_nhtfrq=-6 hist_mfilt=5 npr_yz=128,2,2,128 stream_year_first=1850 stream_year_last=2008
fsurdat='$inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata/' /" || echo "build-namelist failed" && exit 1
Any comments or suggestions ?
Thanks and regards,