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Quick Start described in the Usersguide

Dear all,

I am a novice of modeling. I ran the CAM3.0 on the PC with Ubuntu system and tried the Quick Start of a one day test run of CAM 3.0 which is described in the Usersguide.
I didn't understand what the "./cam < namelist" means in the following sentence: "7. Run cam: % ./cam < namelist".
As there is not directory or executable file named cam, errors were reported.:confused:
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jessi,

./cam < namelist means that after you made the exe file (cam) you will run it serially with options that will be defined by the namelist that you have in the same directory. This namelist has the paths and the options (time of the run, timesteps output options etc). My opinion is to put mpi options for running in parallel and not serially.


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
If you have tried to compile/build the model and you do not have a cam executable file at the end then you probably have a compilation or linking problem. Did you make it that far? If so post the error and someone should be able to help.