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Qusetions on Interpretation of albedos of CICE-master


Shutao Cao
Hi everyone,
As we know, CICE-master calculates sea ice albedo using delta-Eddington method.
''With the Delta-Eddington parameterization, the albedo depends on the cosine of the zenith angle(coszen)and
is one if the sun is below the horizon (:math:`\cos\varphi`, ``coszen``). Thus, the albedos will be one in the dark,
polar winter hemisphere. However, the time-averaged albedo fields will be high if a diurnal solar cycle is used,
because values of one would be included in the average for half of each 24-hour period. To rectify this, a separate
counter should be used for the averaging that is incremented only when :math:`\cos\varphi > 0`. However, this is still
a work in progress.''
The passage above can be found in the file 'ug_troubleshooting.rst' under the directory /CICE-master/icepack/doc/source/user_guide.
It means that when calculating the time average of albedo, the CICE model doesn't get rid of the hours whose solar zenith angle
is less than 0, in other words, when the sun is below horizon.
Hence, what I wonder is whether the problem mentioned above has been solved in the current version of CICE model. I have to find
it out because if the answer is no, maybe the problem of the large albedo value in the current CICE model can be explained.
That's all about my question. Look forward to your reply.
Best wishes!
Shutao Cao


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This note is only relevant to the albsno, albpnd, and albice variables. The component albedos alvdr_ai, alvdf_ai, alidr_ai, and alidf_ai albedos are correct and take into account the coszen. The other albedos have the complexity of the surface type in them as well.


Shutao Cao
This note is only relevant to the albsno, albpnd, and albice variables. The component albedos alvdr_ai, alvdf_ai, alidr_ai, and alidf_ai albedos are correct and take into account the coszen. The other albedos have the complexity of the surface type in them as well.
Thanks for your help.
You mentioned that the component albedos have taken into account the coszen. And I wonder how to deal with timesteps when their coszen is less than 0.
Could you please tell me the code does this process?
Best wishes!