New Member
Please help me in this.... I run CAM5.0 with MODIS simulator turned ON, but when the run completed there is no value in the variables which came out from the simultors.. like CLTMODIS, IWPMODIS and LWPMODIS... ad when i made
plots for this values , whole plots came blank... i also checked with ncview and it also showing blank .... i checked the value inside the variables and surprised to see that all the value were undefined ... below i put the
change which i made in atm_in during running the model.... kindly see if i made some mistakes... thanks in advance...
cam_chempkg = 'trop_mam3'
cam_physpkg = 'cam5'
conv_water_in_rad = 1
deep_scheme = 'ZM'
do_clubb_sgs = .false.
do_tms = .true.
eddy_scheme = 'diag_TKE'
history_aero_optics = .true.
history_aerosol = .true.
history_amwg = .true.
history_budget = .false.
history_eddy = .false.
macrop_scheme = 'park'
microp_scheme = 'MG'
radiation_scheme = 'rrtmg'
shallow_scheme = 'UW'
srf_flux_avg = 0
use_subcol_microp = .false.
waccmx_opt = 'off'
tms_orocnst = 1.0D0
tms_z0fac = 0.075D0
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
clim_modal_aero_top_press = 1.D-4
trop_cloud_top_press = 1.D2
solar_data_file =
solar_htng_spctrl_scl = .true.
tropopause_climo_file =
uwshcu_rpen = 5.0
diff_cnsrv_mass_check = .false.
do_iss = .true.
eddy_lbulk_max = 40.D3
eddy_leng_max = 40.D3
eddy_max_bot_pressure = 100.D3
kv_freetrop_scale = 1.D0
kv_top_pressure = 0.D0
kv_top_scale = 1.D0
gas_wetdep_list = 'H2O2','SO2'
zmconv_c0_lnd = 0.0059D0
zmconv_c0_ocn = 0.0450D0
zmconv_ke = 1.0E-6
docosp = .true.
cosp_lmodis_sim = .true.
cosp_lmisr_sim = .true.
plots for this values , whole plots came blank... i also checked with ncview and it also showing blank .... i checked the value inside the variables and surprised to see that all the value were undefined ... below i put the
change which i made in atm_in during running the model.... kindly see if i made some mistakes... thanks in advance...
cam_chempkg = 'trop_mam3'
cam_physpkg = 'cam5'
conv_water_in_rad = 1
deep_scheme = 'ZM'
do_clubb_sgs = .false.
do_tms = .true.
eddy_scheme = 'diag_TKE'
history_aero_optics = .true.
history_aerosol = .true.
history_amwg = .true.
history_budget = .false.
history_eddy = .false.
macrop_scheme = 'park'
microp_scheme = 'MG'
radiation_scheme = 'rrtmg'
shallow_scheme = 'UW'
srf_flux_avg = 0
use_subcol_microp = .false.
waccmx_opt = 'off'
tms_orocnst = 1.0D0
tms_z0fac = 0.075D0
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
clim_modal_aero_top_press = 1.D-4
trop_cloud_top_press = 1.D2
solar_data_file =
solar_htng_spctrl_scl = .true.
tropopause_climo_file =
uwshcu_rpen = 5.0
diff_cnsrv_mass_check = .false.
do_iss = .true.
eddy_lbulk_max = 40.D3
eddy_leng_max = 40.D3
eddy_max_bot_pressure = 100.D3
kv_freetrop_scale = 1.D0
kv_top_pressure = 0.D0
kv_top_scale = 1.D0
gas_wetdep_list = 'H2O2','SO2'
zmconv_c0_lnd = 0.0059D0
zmconv_c0_ocn = 0.0450D0
zmconv_ke = 1.0E-6
docosp = .true.
cosp_lmodis_sim = .true.
cosp_lmisr_sim = .true.