Hello everyone.
Recently, I wanted to restore SST to the climatology in the specified region. So, I modified the code 'forcing_coupled.F90' in POP source code. After modification, the model can run without any errors and the SST can be restored correctly. Unfortunately ,due to some casual issues, the run was killed in the model time 0007-02-15. Then, I switched 'CONTINUE_RUN' to 'TRUE' to restart this run from restart file 0007-01-01. However, in the restart run, I found the output data values are different from the previous run which is not killed during model time 0007-01 (even if the differences are marginal). I don't know why the output data values are different. Can anyone give me some advice? Thank you in advance!
In the code 'forcing_coupled.F90', I modified the codes after calculating STF(:,:,i,iblock):
Recently, I wanted to restore SST to the climatology in the specified region. So, I modified the code 'forcing_coupled.F90' in POP source code. After modification, the model can run without any errors and the SST can be restored correctly. Unfortunately ,due to some casual issues, the run was killed in the model time 0007-02-15. Then, I switched 'CONTINUE_RUN' to 'TRUE' to restart this run from restart file 0007-01-01. However, in the restart run, I found the output data values are different from the previous run which is not killed during model time 0007-01 (even if the differences are marginal). I don't know why the output data values are different. Can anyone give me some advice? Thank you in advance!
In the code 'forcing_coupled.F90', I modified the codes after calculating STF(:,:,i,iblock):
do iblock = 1, nblocks_clinic
STF(:,:,1,iblock) = (EVAP_F(:,:,iblock)*latent_heat_vapor_mks &
+ SENH_F(:,:,iblock) + LWUP_F(:,:,iblock) &
+ LWDN_F(:,:,iblock) + MELTH_F(:,:,iblock) &
-(SNOW_F(:,:,iblock)+IOFF_F(:,:,iblock)) * latent_heat_fusion_mks)* &
! The following codes are which I modified:
real (r8), dimension(1:320,1:384,1:365) :: &
real (r8), dimension(1:320,1:384) :: &
real (r8), dimension(1:320,1:384) :: &
real (r8) :: &
tlatd, &
tlond, &
relfac, &
relfac1, &
relfac2, &
tau_RES, &
real (r8) :: &
integer (int_kind) :: &
ilon, &
jlat, &
status_RES, &
ncid_RES, &
varid_RES, &
i_RES, &
tau_RES = 10.*24.*3600.
status_RES = nf90_open("/scratch/gaba/CESM/CESM2.0/CESM2_Out/clm100yrsmni.nc",nf90_nowrite,ncid_RES)
status_RES = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_RES,"sst",varid_RES)
status_RES = nf90_get_var(ncid_RES,varid_RES,SST_RES)
status_RES = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_RES,"lat",varid_RES)
status_RES = nf90_get_var(ncid_RES,varid_RES,lat_RES)
status_RES = nf90_inq_varid(ncid_RES,"lon",varid_RES)
status_RES = nf90_get_var(ncid_RES,varid_RES,lon_RES)
status_RES = nf90_close(ncid_RES)
do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic
do jlat=1,ny_block
do ilon=1,nx_block
tlatd = TLAT(ilon,jlat,iblock)*radian
tlond = TLON(ilon,jlat,iblock)*radian
if (tlatd.gt.-20. .and. tlatd.lt.20. .and. tlond.gt.40. .and. tlond.lt.100.) then
relfac1 = 1.0
relfac2 = 1.0
if (tlatd.lt.-15. .or. tlatd.gt.15.) then
relfac1 = ABS((ABS(tlatd)-20.))*0.2
if (tlond.lt.45. .or. tlond.gt.95.) then
relfac2 = ABS((ABS(tlond-70.)-30.))*0.2
relfac = MIN(relfac1,relfac2)
do i_RES=1,320 ! lon
do j_RES=1,384 ! lat
if ( lat_RES(i_RES,j_RES).eq.tlatd .and. lon_RES(i_RES,j_RES).eq.tlond ) then
Tr_RES = SST_RES(i_RES,j_RES,iday_of_year)
Tm_POP = TRACER(ilon,jlat,1,1,curtime,iblock)
STF(ilon,jlat,1,iblock) = STF(ilon,jlat,1,iblock) + relfac*(Tr_RES+1.-Tm_POP)*HMXL(ilon,jlat,iblock)/tau_RES
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do