I have been trying to create a "simpler models" scenario along the lines of the ocean-only "resting" example from MOM6-examples for MOM6 within CESM. I am running into issues with temperature and salinity instabilities forming very rapidly along one boundary (see image of surface layer T and S at 1 hr and 12 hrs into the run below).
The basic setup is as follows:
CESM version: cesm2_3_beta11
ocn model domain: 0.5° x 0.5° x 75m depth
ocn grid: custom, with 100 grid points in each direction in the horizontal (dx~dy~500m), 30 layers
Wind speed is set to 0 over the entire domain (u = v = 0.0 in user_nl_datm) and the air temperature is set to match the initial ocean temperature (5° C).
I am able to run essentially the same scenario, on the same grid, in MOM6 outside of CESM without any issues. I have tried varying a number parameters (e.g., initial TS configuration, equation of state, using a zonally re-entrant model domain), but none of them seem to help. I was hoping someone might have an idea of why things are going wrong, or how best to go about trouble shooting this case.

The basic setup is as follows:
CESM version: cesm2_3_beta11
ocn model domain: 0.5° x 0.5° x 75m depth
ocn grid: custom, with 100 grid points in each direction in the horizontal (dx~dy~500m), 30 layers
Wind speed is set to 0 over the entire domain (u = v = 0.0 in user_nl_datm) and the air temperature is set to match the initial ocean temperature (5° C).
I am able to run essentially the same scenario, on the same grid, in MOM6 outside of CESM without any issues. I have tried varying a number parameters (e.g., initial TS configuration, equation of state, using a zonally re-entrant model domain), but none of them seem to help. I was hoping someone might have an idea of why things are going wrong, or how best to go about trouble shooting this case.