I am running a multi-instance, DATM, single point case on Cheyenne. I set RESUBMIT=3, but the case stopped with no error messages after completing the initial run and first resubmit successfully (i.e. RESUBMIT=2 now). The archive directories were written successfully. When I try running the case to see if it will finish, I get this error:
ERROR: CONTINUE_RUN is true but this case does not appear to have restart files staged in /glade/scratch/pbuotte/Ituri_9pft_ensemble/run rpointer.cpl
However, the rpointer.cpl_0001, etc (I have 18 ensemble members) files are in the run directory and point to the correct restart files, which also exists in the run directory. Thanks for any insights.
ERROR: CONTINUE_RUN is true but this case does not appear to have restart files staged in /glade/scratch/pbuotte/Ituri_9pft_ensemble/run rpointer.cpl
However, the rpointer.cpl_0001, etc (I have 18 ensemble members) files are in the run directory and point to the correct restart files, which also exists in the run directory. Thanks for any insights.