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Running a 20-year CAM5.3 simulation using an average annual cycle of SST and sea ice

I am a new user of CAM. I would like to run a 20-year simulation using the same SSTs and sea ice annual cycle (monthly averages) for the entire simulation period.For now I am using the following options to configure and build namelist: $camcfg/configure -fc mpif90 -fc_type intel -cc mpicc -dyn fv -hgrid 1.9x2.5 -ntasks 48 -nosmp -test $camcfg/build-namelist -test -runtype startup -use_case 1850-2005_cam5 -namelist "&atm nhtfrq(1) = -6 mfilt(1) = 1460 stop_option = 'nyears' stop_n = 20 start_ymd = 19800101 ncdata='$CSMDATA/atm/cam/inic/fv/'/" -config $cambuild/config_cache.xml What would I have to modify?Regards,Damián  


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
If you use the compset FC5, it should run cam5.3 wit the same SSTs and sea ice annual cycle (monthly averages) for the entire simulation period.