Hi everyone, I am trying to run a regional case using ERA5 forcings with CTSM on the supercomputer mistral (I've been able to make a default run on it). I know it's a very specific case, but I hope someone can help.
I tried to follow what Keith has recommended here. I have downloaded ERA5 following forcings: incident solar (FSDS), precipitation (PRECTmms), specific humidity at the lowest atm level, temperature at the lowest atm level (TBOT) and wind at the lowest atm level (WIND). And I separate them into 4 subdirectories in my inputdata/atm/datm7/ERA5/ folder, e.g.:
SpeHum/1979-01-01.nc (different from others because there is one file per day instead of one file per month)
However, I don't know what I have to do next. Should I change namelist files? Should I create a new compset? Or should I just change settings in a new case run? I have already some ideas but there are so many options there, I don't know what is best to do.
Thanks in advance!
I tried to follow what Keith has recommended here. I have downloaded ERA5 following forcings: incident solar (FSDS), precipitation (PRECTmms), specific humidity at the lowest atm level, temperature at the lowest atm level (TBOT) and wind at the lowest atm level (WIND). And I separate them into 4 subdirectories in my inputdata/atm/datm7/ERA5/ folder, e.g.:
SpeHum/1979-01-01.nc (different from others because there is one file per day instead of one file per month)
However, I don't know what I have to do next. Should I change namelist files? Should I create a new compset? Or should I just change settings in a new case run? I have already some ideas but there are so many options there, I don't know what is best to do.
Thanks in advance!