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running CLM3.5 with tower data


I want to run CLM3.5 with the tower data. I have obtained tower forcing from Dr. Stoeckli. My question is how to create input data (bime, soil type) specific to the tower site. i.e. what changes i need to do in the following name list.

finidat = '$CSMDATA/inidata_3.1/offline/'
fsurdat = '$CSMDATA/surfdata/'
fatmgrid = '$CSMDATA/griddata/'
fatmlndfrc = '$CSMDATA/griddata/'
fpftcon = '$CSMDATA/pftdata/pft-physiology.c070207'
frivinp_rtm = '$CSMDATA/rtmdata/rdirc.05.061026'

here for example surface data ( is for global run, even if we sepcify lat and long of the particular site, it will not have the same land cover (Biome) as the tower site. Because in the global data set is average or gid cell value.

Or i need to just use these global data set.

If any of you can send me an example *.csh file for building the model for the tower run that would be of great help.



Staff member
I don't have personal experience running the clm with tower data, so here are some options. This may be more information than you asked for but may come in handy for you or others trying to run with tower data:

1) Try various ideas yourself until you get things to work. Eg, you may be able to run the model in a single grid cell, but I've seen people posting problems with that on this bulletin board. Or you may be able to modify the global data as necessary in a particular grid cell, then run globally, and then look at the output in that particular grid cell. A third idea that I tried a long time ago (so I don't remember the details) was to run globally but change the fracdata, so that only a few grid cells were active. That worked, but still I used clm's default inputs, ie I did not change the atmosphere or sfc data for the particular site the way that you probably want to.

2) Look in the literature for people who have published this kind of work using the clm and contact them directly for advice. Realize that they are not obliged to help you.

3) It is entirely up to you, whether to change the soil and biome characteristics for your simulations.

I'm sure that all this seems overwhelming. It should become easier, the more experience you gain with the model. If you treat the clm as a black box, you probably won't accomplish what you have in mind. You should see how the code reads and uses different inputs. Then you will have a better chance of modifying the inputs successfully.

Good luck with your work,