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Salinity Restoration in specific region


Cole Persch
New Member

I am interested in applying a sfwf restoration in POP2 within a fully coupled climate simulation. I see that there namelists in POP2 to do this. However, I want to only apply this in the North Atlantic in order to ensure that AMOC remains stable as I apply other external forcings. One way I thought of to accomplish this would be a spatially varying tau constant. Is there a way to accomplish this with a combination of namelist modifications and sfwf climatology forcing files? Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you! I have the output of 'describe_verson' below. Let me know if I need to provide more information.

git describe:
git status:
Not currently on any branch.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
manage_externals status:
Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg (/glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox)
Processing externals description file : Externals_CAM.cfg (/glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam)
Processing externals description file : Externals_CISM.cfg (/glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cism)
Processing externals description file : Externals_CLM.cfg (/glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm)
Processing externals description file : Externals_POP.cfg (/glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/components/pop)
Checking local status of required & optional components: cam, chem_proc, carma, clubb, cosp2, cice, cime, cism, source_cism, clm, fates, mosart, pop, cvmix, marbl, rtm, ww3,
clean sandbox, on cime5.6.49
HEAD detached at cime5.6.49
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on cam_cesm2_1_rel_60
HEAD detached at cam_cesm2_1_rel_60
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
clean sandbox, on tools/proc_atm/chem_proc/release_tags/chem_proc5_0_03_rel
clean sandbox, on carma/release_tags/carma3_49_rel
clean sandbox, on vendor_clubb_r8099_n03
HEAD detached at vendor_clubb_r8099_n03
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on v2.1.4cesm
HEAD detached at v2.1.4cesm
You are in a sparse checkout with 33% of tracked files present.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on cice5_cesm2_1_1_20231220
HEAD detached at cice5_cesm2_1_1_20231220
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
clean sandbox, on cism-release-cesm2.1.2_04
HEAD detached at cism-release-cesm2.1.2_04
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on release-cism2.1.04
HEAD detached at release-cism2.1.04
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on release-clm5.0.37
HEAD detached at release-clm5.0.37
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on sci.1.30.0_api.8.0.0
HEAD detached at sci.1.30.0_api.8.0.0
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on release-cesm2.0.04
HEAD detached at release-cesm2.0.04
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on pop2_cesm2_1_rel_n15
HEAD detached at pop2_cesm2_1_rel_n15
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on v0.93-beta
HEAD detached at v0.93-beta
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on cesm2.1-n00
HEAD detached at cesm2.1-n00
nothing to commit, working tree clean
clean sandbox, on release-cesm2.0.04
HEAD detached at release-cesm2.0.04
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
clean sandbox, on ww3_181001
HEAD detached at ww3_cesm2_1_rel_01
nothing to commit, working tree clean