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salt flux runoff error moving from cesm1.2 to cesm2


Julia Campbell
New Member
Hello! I've been attempting to run a CESM2 simulation (compset is 1850_CAM50_CLM40%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV) with a spun-up ocean from a CESM1.2 simulation. I've gotten everything to work except the runoff. If I set runoff to NULL, it runs fine, but if I have runoff on then it won't even run for 5 days. The error I cannot get past is "POP aborting: est_thick_upper == 0, MASK_ESTUARY == 1, but ROFF_F /= 0". It may be related to the virtual salt flux version of the estuary parameterization within POP2. I've tried starting with and without the rtm restart file or using mosart instead, but nothing has worked so far. I eventually want to turn the ocean ecosystem model MARBL on so I need runoff to work. Please let me know if anyone has ideas of how to get past this!


Some ideas:

Have you tried the runoff on case with default cesm2 initial conditions? If this works, is there a way to "copy" your cesm1.2 spun-up ocean data into the cesm2 ocean initial file?

I'm not familiar with these settings, but is it possible that you need to set est_thick_upper to something greater than 0 for the model to work with runoff on?

In your compset I see clm4. Do you have the option of using clm5? It may not help with the specific problem, but clm4 is not a supported version.


Julia Campbell
New Member
Some ideas:

Have you tried the runoff on case with default cesm2 initial conditions? If this works, is there a way to "copy" your cesm1.2 spun-up ocean data into the cesm2 ocean initial file?

I'm not familiar with these settings, but is it possible that you need to set est_thick_upper to something greater than 0 for the model to work with runoff on?

In your compset I see clm4. Do you have the option of using clm5? It may not help with the specific problem, but clm4 is not a supported version.
Thanks for responding! I can run it with a default initial ocean, though I'm not sure how I'd copy my spun-up ocean data into the cesm2 file it generates and I don't want to lose all the time it spent equilibrating on cesm1.2.

I could try setting est_thick_upper if that's possible - do you know where I can find that?

I do need to use clm4 for now. The geography of these runs is different from modern-day and the surfdata file I have only works for clm4 and I haven't been able to create a new one for clm5 yet. Plus I thought maybe it'd be best to use the same model versions I used for the cesm1.2 run since I'm trying to use those restart files (or at least the ocean one). I'm really just trying to run it on cesm2 so that I can add MARBL and get ocean ecosystem data out of it.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Moving this to the POP forum to address the question regarding est_thick_upper.