New Member
I am trying to get SCAM to compile on lightning, but I am getting an error when it gets to the UI loading stage (copied at bottom). I have a couple of questions:
(1) has anyone gotten SCAM to compile successfully on lightning?
(2) i've tried several combinations of different versions of the netcdf and ncarg libraries that are on lightning (listed below), all of which lead to the same error. are there other versions of those libraries that do work, either on lightning or other machines?
charlie koven
I am trying to get SCAM to compile on lightning, but I am getting an error when it gets to the UI loading stage (copied at bottom). I have a couple of questions:
(1) has anyone gotten SCAM to compile successfully on lightning?
(2) i've tried several combinations of different versions of the netcdf and ncarg libraries that are on lightning (listed below), all of which lead to the same error. are there other versions of those libraries that do work, either on lightning or other machines?
charlie koven
gcc ChangeAxisScaleDlg.moc.o ChangeAxisScaleDlg.o ChangeAxisScaleDlgImpl.moc.o ChangeAxisScaleDlgImpl.o IOPSelectDateDlg.moc.o IOPSelectDateDlg.o IOPSelectDateDlgImpl.moc.o IOPSelectDateDlgImpl.o LoadData.moc.o LoadData.o LoadDataImpl.moc.o LoadDataImpl.o MainWnd.moc.o MainWnd.o MainWndImpl.moc.o MainWndImpl.o OptionsDlg.moc.o OptionsDlg.o OptionsDlgImpl.moc.o OptionsDlgImpl.o PlistDlg.moc.o PlistDlg.o PlistDlgImpl.moc.o PlistDlgImpl.o PlotDlg.moc.o PlotDlg.o PlotDlgImpl.moc.o PlotDlgImpl.o PostPlottingDlg.moc.o PostPlottingDlg.o PostPlottingDlgImpl.moc.o PostPlottingDlgImpl.o SelectGlobalDataDlg.moc.o SelectGlobalDataDlg.o SelectGlobalDataDlgImpl.moc.o SelectGlobalDataDlgImpl.o crm.o dataset.o dbgmodel.o defaults.o field.o fieldlistbox.o fifomodel.o history.o main.o manager.o map.o model.o msgdlg.o ncarg.o ncarg_stubs.o ncfile.o plot.moc.o plot.o rpcmodel.o sicfile.o timeconvert.o utils.o
-o ../scamgui -L/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib -lnetcdf -L/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lg2c -L/contrib/Qt-3.3.0/lib -lqt -lqui -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lX11 -lXext -lm -ldl
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x8f94): In function `nc_put_vara_text':
: undefined reference to `__builtin_alloca'
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x8fa8): In function `nc_put_vara_text':
: undefined reference to `__builtin_alloca'
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x9314): In function `nc_put_vara_uchar':
: undefined reference to `__builtin_alloca'
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x9328): In function `nc_put_vara_uchar':
: undefined reference to `__builtin_alloca'
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x9694): In function `nc_put_vara_schar':
: undefined reference to `__builtin_alloca'
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(putget.o)(.text+0x96a8): more undefined references to `__builtin_alloca' follow
/opt/netcdf-3.5.0/lib/libnetcdf.a(string.o)(.text+0x2f): In function `NC_check_name':
: undefined reference to `__ctype_b'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(arinam.o)(.data+0x78): In function `.C1_285':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(arinit.o)(.data+0x8): In function `.C1_342':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(arini2.o)(.data+0x10): In function `.C1_308':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(arscam.o)(.data+0x200): In function `.STATICS1':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(agback.o)(.data+0x28): In function `.C1_305':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(agcurv.o)(.text+0xa4): In function `agcurv_':
: undefined reference to `ftn_str_copy'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(agcurv.o)(.data+0x40): In function `.STATICS1':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(agdash.o)(.data+0x8): In function `.C1_287':
: undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
/usr/local/ncarg/4.4.2-pgi5.2-64/lib/libncarg.a(agdflt.o)(.data+0x978): undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'